What are you Baking today?

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Re: What are you baking today?


Re: What are you baking today?

Made a dozen wheat dinner rolls yesterday..... lol this is what's left.
....buncha oinkers........


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Re: What are you baking today?

I had some going-bad bananas, so I made some chocolate chip & banana muffins. My youngest was going to a sleepover, so I sent her with a couple mini loaves. The muffins didn't make it to the party though.


Here's my first attempt at hot dog buns. I made a loaf of white bread and some buns. The bread was perfect until I scored it. Then I cried as I watched it sink in the pan, and it didn't spring back at the oven at all :(

The hot dog buns turned out great, though and it was definitely the best tasting sandwich bread that I've made. I used some ground flax seed in the dough and the flecks through the bread looked really nice.

I've got a biga fermenting on the counter right now. I'll make a couple loaves of Italian bread for Po Boys tomorrow. I'm hoping an enriched dough cooked hot with a steam bath will make a soft crumb with a crispy crust. If it doesn't, I'll just drench it in gravy.

Re: What are you baking today?

Damn!! You are turning out some amazing baked goods, vyapti! Those hot dog buns look incredible. And they don't look "sunk" to me at all!
Re: What are you baking today?

hot dog buns turned out great. The loaf of bread is the one that sunk. It still beat the heck out of Snyders, though.
Re: What are you baking today?

Fine work, Grasshopper. You got it dialed in very nice.

I tried a different English Muffin recipe tonight (my own concoction) using a white whole wheat flour and A/P flour. Not good, not good. First batch of dough that I've fed the trash can in a very long time. I'm going back to my Alton Brown recipe with 1t of Baking Powder at the end of the rest period.
Re: What are you baking today?

This weekend was definitely a good bread weekend for me. I made Italian bread from a biga that I started yesterday. I used soy milk instead of water in the dough, formed them into kind of a fat baguette and cooked them at 450 with plenty of steam. They turned out exactly how I wanted. The crumb was soft and full and it had a thick, crispy crust. They were perfect for vegan Po Boys.



Fine work, Grasshopper. You got it dialed in very nice.

I tried a different English Muffin recipe tonight (my own concoction) using a white whole wheat flour and A/P flour. Not good, not good. First batch of dough that I've fed the trash can in a very long time. I'm going back to my Alton Brown recipe with 1t of Baking Powder at the end of the rest period.
I was reading about English muffins, seemed very foreign to me. Do they cook like skillet cornbread?
Re: What are you baking today?

Well, this is my first sourdough Italian attempt that just came out of the oven. It will be tomorrow morning before I cut into it to determine if the flavor is acceptable. I made a preferment of 4 oz of flour, 4 oz of water and 8 oz of very vibrant 100% starter that sat on the counter for 9 hours before making the dough. They really got a nice oven spring from the looks of the slash marks.

Re: What are you baking today?

This weekend was definitely a good bread weekend for me. I made Italian bread from a biga that I started yesterday. I used soy milk instead of water in the dough, formed them into kind of a fat baguette and cooked them at 450 with plenty of steam. They turned out exactly how I wanted. The crumb was soft and full and it had a thick, crispy crust. They were perfect for vegan Po Boys.



I was reading about English muffins, seemed very foreign to me. Do they cook like skillet cornbread?
wow looks great!!
Re: What are you baking today?

Well, this is my first sourdough Italian attempt that just came out of the oven. It will be tomorrow morning before I cut into it to determine if the flavor is acceptable. I made a preferment of 4 oz of flour, 4 oz of water and 8 oz of very vibrant 100% starter that sat on the counter for 9 hours before making the dough. They really got a nice oven spring from the looks of the slash marks.

joe i have a grilled strip steak dinner with your name on it!! do you have a loaf for me? :lol:
Re: What are you baking today?

Well, this is my first sourdough Italian attempt that just came out of the oven. It will be tomorrow morning before I cut into it to determine if the flavor is acceptable. I made a preferment of 4 oz of flour, 4 oz of water and 8 oz of very vibrant 100% starter that sat on the counter for 9 hours before making the dough. They really got a nice oven spring from the looks of the slash marks.

You say you can't cut the loaf until tomorrow? Is that because it has to rest? Do all breads have to rest over-night before cutting? Would I get a better bread product wth proper resting? Serioulsy, I'm clueless and would like to know.
Re: What are you baking today?

Well, this is my first sourdough Italian attempt that just came out of the oven. It will be tomorrow morning before I cut into it to determine if the flavor is acceptable. I made a preferment of 4 oz of flour, 4 oz of water and 8 oz of very vibrant 100% starter that sat on the counter for 9 hours before making the dough. They really got a nice oven spring from the looks of the slash marks.
How heavy are these loaves? I'm always wondering if I'm letting my dough rise enough. Mostly, I don't think I do. Also, I'd be curious to sample your version of acceptable.
Re: What are you baking today?

How heavy are these loaves? I'm always wondering if I'm letting my dough rise enough. Mostly, I don't think I do. Also, I'd be curious to sample your version of acceptable.

It's so damn cold here that the bread was completely cooled way ahead of time, so I cut into it and surprisingly, despite the sourdough fragrance that was present in the dough form, is absent in the finished product. I even had DW try a slice and she could not tell any difference in the flavor from my regular Italian recipe. What IS noticeable is how soft the crumb is, yet it has strength enough to spread cool butter on it without tearing. The crumb reminds me of Wonder Bread, but with strength. It really is amazing. The crust is lightly chewy and nicely colored from the egg wash. I pulled the bread from the oven after 30 minutes at 400F, with an internal temp of 202F. Here is the crumb shot, and you'll notice the vast array of air pockets. they are small, but very noticable, so I know I was getting a good rise...


If you want to try it out, take 8 oz of vibrant starter and add 4 oz each of flour and water, mix and let sit overnight or for 8 hours min. Then put all of that in the mixer bowl and add the water, brn sugar and olive oil from below and mix to combine. Then blend the flour, salt & instant yeast in a bowl and pour it on top of the liquid and turn on the mixer. Then handle like you would any other dough with rises and shaping. Here are the ingredients AFTER the preferment.

21 oz. Bread Flour
1T salt
2t Instant Yeast
1T Brown Sugar
9 oz. Water (110 F)

Your preferment will weigh 16 oz., so the total dough weight will be 48.9 oz., or 24 1/2 oz for each loaf. If the dough is a little too sticky for your liking, just add some more flour to get the finish you like.

I'll try to get teh new recipe posted on the website in the next couple of days, but you have enough to work with from here.
Re: What are you baking today?

You say you can't cut the loaf until tomorrow? Is that because it has to rest? Do all breads have to rest over-night before cutting? Would I get a better bread product wth proper resting? Serioulsy, I'm clueless and would like to know.
I did not anticpate the loaves cooling as qiockly as they did. Normally they would take 3 hours, but it is +4F outside tonight, and the granite is against teh outside wall of the house, so they cooled in half the time.

Cooling is step #11 in bread making, cutting is step #12 and the final step. It allows the bread to finish baking (like when you rest meat after roasting), and it wicks away any residual moisture through the crust to give structural integrity to the outside of the loaf. Also, cutting before cool will crush teh crumb, regardless of how sharp your knife is, and allow the heat to escape through the cut end rather than through the crust, sometimes causing the loaf to collapse.

BTW, I did not see your post as you posted within minutes of me. thanks for the ass ripping. FWIW, Google is wrong. Go get any reputable book by Reinhart, Hammelman, or Levy and learn the right way, not the Google way. You might as well trust WIKI for the truth.
Re: What are you baking today?

Thanks for the info. Not.

I can Google better than this. Way to go.

Apparently you let the bread rest so that the gluten relaxes.

At least there is Google. Not that it makes NCT a better place. Priceless.

Odd thing is, Google says rest time is 10 minutes....way short of your over-night bit.

From the Reinhart's Baker's Apprentice:
The loaves come out of the oven at a minimum of 180 degrees in their center, usually higher. It may take up to 2 hours for them to cool to room tempterature. During this time, they continue to evaporate moisture, drying out and, thus, intensifying flavor . . . If the process is interrupted by cutting or breaking the bread while it is still hot, the loaf will seem soggy.
Re: What are you baking today?

From the Reinhart's Baker's Apprentice:
The loaves come out of the oven at a minimum of 180 degrees in their center, usually higher. It may take up to 2 hours for them to cool to room tempterature. During this time, they continue to evaporate moisture, drying out and, thus, intensifying flavor . . . If the process is interrupted by cutting or breaking the bread while it is still hot, the loaf will seem soggy.

Thanks! As an Engineer, I greatly appreciate the whys of what we do and how we cook. Thank you. That makes a lot of sense.
Re: What are you baking today?

i was going to bake some date nut bread but i have been awake all night so that may not come to be. but i am hopeful!!
Re: What are you baking today?

I'm bored already been up since 3 and the house is clean..... Legogirl and I are stuck here today with NO CHOCOLATE so I do believe I am going to go make some brownies.
Re: What are you baking today?

Made 2 loaves of tropical nut bread with bananas, coconut, pineapple, applesauce, maraschino cherries and walnuts.


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Re: What are you baking today?

I could really dig into some of that right now. My wife has been promising a cake since Monday.... and that really looks great!
Re: What are you baking today?

Made 2 loaves of tropical nut bread with bananas, coconut, pineapple, applesauce, maraschino cherries and walnuts.
that looks awesome!! did you post the recipe mama? yummy!!
Re: What are you baking today?

I plan on making a frozen chocolate mousse recipe that will be served at an early Valentine's Day tea on Sunday. It is made with Toblerone bars and is very yummy. If not today, I will definitely have to make it tomorrw.
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