What are you Baking today?

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Re: What are you baking today?

They look great Joe! Hey, I never said they would be easy. lol I'll be making mine tonight or tomorrow........I'll be making the nut filling and strawberry preserves.

And speaking of easy Joe, HUH???? I made potica the other day. Damn.......it was alot easier when I made it with my grandmother. LOL It looks like hell but tastes delicious!!!! I'll be bringing you some to critique.
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Re: What are you baking today?

Aylas B-day cupcakes......what a pain in the BUTT!!! lol
I made alot more but only put a couple on the table.


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Re: What are you baking today?

I know this gets boring, but here's another sourdough no-knead I made tonight (1-1/2 X recipe). The dough fermented for 20 hours before baking, and I must say it is delicious with a little butter! Very soft crumb.



Re: What are you baking today?

I doubt anyone could possibly get bored of those Joe!! Looks great as do the pastries!!
Re: What are you baking today?

I forgot to post these "beauty shots" from Saturday. The low angle of the winter sun give some interesting effects.

Seeded Rye bread


Cinnamon Swirl Raisin Bread topped with Oatmeal


Seeded Rye Bread ready to be bagged.

Re: What are you baking today?

I just made cupcakes for my little one's 3 rd Birthday........OMG I will never frost another cupcake again in my LIFE!!! :bonk: to get the frosting to stay on and not crumble apart....was more work than Thanksgiving Dinner!!! Oy Vey!!

Let me know how you like the muffins Suz!! I just realized I willhave to buy more muffin liners to make those soon!

OH are they ever good! I got 14 from the batter... the kids got to them.... I have 6 left :D

I didn't use paper cups the kids make such a mess with 'em..... they worked really well just greasing the muffin pan w/ pam.
Re: What are you baking today?

Oh good to know since I was feeling a bit lazy about going to the store just for muffin liners!! and my bananas are ripe for baking!

Did you add walnuts or pecans?? Hey wheres your pic?? :D
Re: What are you baking today?

nope, no nuts, nobody but me in this house likes them baked into anything.
I'd put up a pic but my computer doesnt want to see my camera lately.... maybe I'l put it on FB from my phone......
Re: What are you baking today?

thats why I added walnuts to just part of the batch!! I got what I wanted and they got what they wanted!!! :D You should try them with nuts next time....soooo yummy!!!
Re: What are you baking today?

Wellll today got all messed up I was going to start some kolachky dough, make my lemon nutmeg meltaway cookies, plus french bread for dinner w/ lasagna.

Lost husband trouble this morning, car trouble later..... then fixing my messed up plow job on the driveway......

Long story short I just put some bread in the oven, lasagna is next, then I will be planting myself on the couch with some knitting needles.
Re: What are you baking today?

On this cold, windy day, I'm making pfeffernusse cookies, Russian tea cakes and Christmas biscotti. Gotta keep the house warm! :wink:
Re: What are you baking today?

I posted the whole loaf pics in another thread, no sense reproducing them here, but here are the "crumb" shots :)



Re: What are you baking today?

Mmmm now those are some Crummy shots!!! NOT! I can just taste that sandwich! Yum!
Re: What are you baking today?

I just started a batch of pecan/butterscotch cookies, they smell yummy! I'll take pics when they are all finished.:wink:
Re: What are you baking today?

I'm making the profiterole for the croquembouche and also the pannetones. I'm making the strufoli as well, but that's not really baking, that's frying.

Pictures are coming!
Re: What are you baking today?

I'm going to make my dinner rolls today, and I think some french bread for stuffed French Toast Christmas morning.
Re: What are you baking today?

Today I'll be finishing the sugar cookies and will probably do the snickerdoodles.....
Re: What are you baking today?

Just finished shaping 60 loaves of bread and placed them in bannetons for baking tomorrow... Quite exhausted. I did get a few pics I'll try to post tomorrow.
Re: What are you baking today?

Well I made SOME of the sugar cookies...the rest are in the freezer, and we also made the snickerdoodles. I loved seeing Ayla take such a joy in baking with me yet at the same time take it so serriously :D I think she's really going to be quite the little cook when she's bigger :clap:

Umm don't mind her hair....:unsure::lol:


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Re: What are you baking today?

Dee, she is so adorable!!!! I just want to squeeze her to pieces. lol

I'm glad you were able to salvage some of the cookies............
Re: What are you baking today?

If you have any trouble 'cleaning up' the snickerdoodles just let me know, I will be happy to make em go away!
Re: What are you baking today?

Very cute!:applause: It's 0530 and the Doughy Joey's Bakery has just gone into Christmas production. The first of 5 batches of bread is in the mixer.
Re: What are you baking today?

Well, let the baking begin. The first 12 loaves are in. Here's some pics from last night.

5 batches @ 25 pounds each:

Folding the dough:

scaling the dough and shaping into boules:

Prepping the bannetons:

All my little children put to bed for the night:
Re: What are you baking today?

Warren, you get the award for OCD with dough.:lol::yum: Of course, you know I would be right there with you if I could. The place has to smell magnificent, and the WFO has to be happy happy.:lol: Your friends are very fortunate that you have such a bad Jones.

Here's my insignificant contribution to the baking thread for Christmas Eve...

Had the mixer going at 0530 today, and by 0930 it was all done. Now it needs to cool for a couple hours before cutting the loaves. The cornbread was made because we are all out of sandwich bread and rolls. It turned out to be a big breakfast hit with eggs, butter and honey.

Two of the slender loaves of Italian will be split tomorrow and turned into garlic bread to go with the Chicken Parm & S'getti. I made white & Honey Whole Wheat rolls for tonight's pulled pork sammies.


Re: What are you baking today?

Didnt bake yesterday..... cleaned. So....
Doughs are rising for French Bread and dinner rolls...... about to mix up my French silk pie filling soon as my chocolate cools.
Re: What are you baking today?

Joe, that's no small undertaking you've got going there :) I love making rolls, especially Kaiser, but I cringe at all the shaping that has to be done. So much easier to make one big loaf than 10 rolls.... but I love them!
Re: What are you baking today?

Got the sponge going for a whole wheat baguette which we'll have with lentil & sausage soup for dinner. Then made a batch of Sass' addictive cheese balls which we'll take over to our neighbors this afternoon. And for Christmas breakfast, my homemade raisins and chopped dried fruit are soaking in brandy for the whole wheat stollen muffins.
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