

New member
I was half laying on the couch ten minutes ago, watching the rerun of last night's football game on NFLN. My three dogs strewn about the floor, the cat on my leg...


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New member
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Now that is a strange looking cat chowhound, don't know if its eyes say I want some loving or I want to eat you. :yum:


New member
He's a show cat, though I never showed (shown?) him. Tall and lanky with the big ears. Not an "applehead" (lol).


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Lol......Nova has sphynx ears, so he may be part???? He is very unusual, but that is part of his appeal. We can't all be purty like this little guy:



Dough Boy
Site Supporter
I don't think he'd eat me...
I have heard that if a dog's master dies unattended in a house and the body is not found for weeks, that often the body of the dog will also be found nearby. It is also said that a cat will never go hungry under the same circumstances.


New member
Nova is an Oriental Short Hair, which is basically a Siamese that comes in different colors and does not always have blue eyes. Same breed, different registry. Like American Pit Bull Terriers and Staffordshires. Those Sphynx's are just plain weird (lol).


New member
I have heard that if a dog's master dies unattended in a house and the body is not found for weeks, that often the body of the dog will also be found nearby. It is also said that a cat will never go hungry under the same circumstances.

Thanks for that, Joe.
That's just like Barb's husband telling me the other day why he doesn't ride motorcycles.... when I've got 90 miles to get home....


(he does know I was just joking with him doesn't he, Barb?)


New member
Thanks for that, Joe.
That's just like Barb's husband telling me the other day why he doesn't ride motorcycles.... when I've got 90 miles to get home....


(he does know I was just joking with him doesn't he, Barb?)

Yes, Fred he does. :wink:


New member
Today's project.
I finally got around to putting a new area light up. I had to mount it under Penelec's light because they've been dragging their feet getting out here to disconnect the old one. I'm really looking forward to lighting things up again, especially when I let my dogs out.
And how cool is this boom lift? I just happened to see it at the local grocery store yesterday. They were done with it at noon today, so I took control of it. I can run it back to the rental place tomorrow at 12:30 and still only be charged half a day. I had no idea they made tow behind lifts.


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Well-known member
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Today's project.
I finally got around to putting a new area light up. I had to mount it under Penelec's light because they've been dragging their feet getting out here to disconnect the old one. I'm really looking forward to lighting things up again, especially when I let my dogs out.
And how cool is this boom lift? I just happened to see it at the local grocery store yesterday. They were done with it at noon today, so I took control of it. I can run it back to the rental place tomorrow at 12:30 and still only be charged half a day. I had no idea they made tow behind lifts.

Cool! How many times did you ride up and down in that thing just because it was fun????? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


New member
Cool! How many times did you ride up and down in that thing just because it was fun????? :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

I wish I had some other things to do that I needed it for, just to get more use out of it, but it was not fun. I have a touch of vertigo when I'm not on something solid. I can overcome it, but I need to concentrate.
You're more than welcome to come play on it though :lol:

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕
Gold Site Supporter
What a cutie kitty Fred!
I love siamese cats especially.
I am grandma to two actually, Mia and Lily lol
My grand daughter loves to torture Mia, via throwing her into a tub full of bubble bath, for example..


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Grill Master
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Yeah, Siamese are the best. It's because they are the most "doglike" of cats.

My beloved (she truly IS) stepmother has always had Siamese and they are a pain in the dupa!

Grey tabby cats are the best, because they are the most cat-like cats! And they are truly CUTE! :heart:


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Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
Super Site Supporter
I love that picture of your cat, Lee! I swear, you must have chosen the couch to compliment his beautiful coloring.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
I love that picture of your cat, Lee! I swear, you must have chosen the couch to compliment his beautiful coloring.

Well, Terry, "compliment" was not the word I had in mind when I shopped for a couch. "Camouflage" or hiding cat hair was the reason I chose it. Seriously. It worked!

Bud loves the furniture set. He's clawed up almost every corner.



New member
I would need to have a patchwork couch on that basis Lee - too many cats to camouflage!!! LOL Red/ginger has become the predominant colour though recently with four in the house and one outside. They wouuld have done well in my childhood house of the 70's where orange was a well-featured colour - yuck!


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Cute, cute. I had a cocker spaniel that was the sweetest thing, but dumb as a box of rocks.


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So I've had some ongoing problems with Direct TV after leaving Dish Network, but the picture is much more crisp and I haven't had to call them in a few weeks... until yesterday. In preparation for the Michigan/ND game, I realized that I did not have the channel it was being broadcast on, ABC. I filed a waiver to receive the major networks because DTV does not offer local channels in my area, so I was granted permissioin to receive the big four out of NYC... or so I thought. Apparently ABC denied the request. I was hot.

It took one hour sixteen minutes on the phone and three different tiers, but the pic below shows it was well worth it.
Their "retention department" has given me every channel they have free for six months, $20 off of my current bill for one year, upgraded my HD package with five other channels for life and the best thing of all.... The NFL Ticket! In HD! And with the package that allows me to watch eight games at once! How cool is that! He had to write the ticket up for 16/month, but with the $20 off I'm getting for the next year, it covers it plus some.

This thing is pretty cool. You can hilite the audio on the channel you want to listen to, and of course tune directly to that channel from this screen.

I need someone to make me some snacks and refill my glass :biggrin:
Persistent bugger, aren't I?


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New member
Well thank you girls! :^D

I really did not expect DTV to bend over backwards like they did for me. This is unprecedented.