Trivia 9/16


Grill Master
Trivia 9/16


1. How are you related to your only sibling's niece?

2. Can you think of a Simon & Garfunkel tune with an oxymoronic title ?

3. Fill in the Blank ;

An A___________________________n is someone who opposes those who oppose the link between Church and State, so adding -ism makes it the act of doing so.

(Hint ; this word has 25 letters !)

4. Burping commonly follows the consumption of fizzy drinks and many foods, but what is its primary cause?

5. In the 20th century, who was the youngest winner of the US Chess Championship ?

a. - Larry Evens

b. - Sammy Reshevsky

c. - Bobby Fisher

d. - Larry Christianson

6. Which part of a human is missing if he is suffering from the disorder known as 'alopecia universalis'?

7. Virgil's masterpiece "Aeneid" is an expansion on which very popular epic?

8. Which fictional town is featured in many of Stephen King's books?

(Hint ; C_____ R___ )


the human body has about 1,000,000 sweat glands.




















1. She's your Daughter

2. "the Sound of Silence"

3. Antidisestablishmentarian

4. Swallowing Air

5. -c

6. Hair

7. the Iliad

8. Castle Rock


the human body has over 2 million sweat glands.

sweat is basically odorless; when it comes into contact with bacteria on the skin, a foul odor is emitted. those fumes compel americans to buy about $750 million worth of antiperspirants and deodorants every year.