Grill Master
Trivia 3/3
Covering only 27 acres, Bukit Nanas, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, is among the smallest patches of rain forest in the world. It is Malaysia’s oldest nature reserve.
1. Rick Springfield showed jealousy in his hit song "Jessie's Girl". In which soap opera did he appear as Doctor Noah Drake?
2. the first Telstar satellite was launched, Marilyn Monroe died, and John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in what year?
3. What is the Jewish festival which translates to "Day of Atonement" ?
4. The word 'drupe', in relation to fruits such as peaches, plums and cherries, indicates what?
5. Who was the US Secretary of State in the first Obama administration?
6. What type of "airplane" does Snoopy fly ?
7. Who Said That ??
"When I'm good, I'm very good; when I'm bad, I'm better", and "It's not the men in your life that count, it's the life in your men"?
8. What river does the Louvre border?
50,000 fog droplets form a tablespoon of water.
1. General Hospital
2. - 1962
3. Yom Kippur
4. a Stone in the middle
5. Hillary Clinton
6. Sopwith Camel
7. Mae West
8. the Seine
Fog and clouds are both composed of water droplets, although the water droplets are so small that it would take so much more than 50,000 droplets to form one tablespoon of water. In fact estimates range from 450 million to 160 trillion droplets of fog are needed to make up a single tablespoon of water.
Covering only 27 acres, Bukit Nanas, in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, is among the smallest patches of rain forest in the world. It is Malaysia’s oldest nature reserve.
1. Rick Springfield showed jealousy in his hit song "Jessie's Girl". In which soap opera did he appear as Doctor Noah Drake?
2. the first Telstar satellite was launched, Marilyn Monroe died, and John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth in what year?
3. What is the Jewish festival which translates to "Day of Atonement" ?
4. The word 'drupe', in relation to fruits such as peaches, plums and cherries, indicates what?
5. Who was the US Secretary of State in the first Obama administration?
6. What type of "airplane" does Snoopy fly ?
7. Who Said That ??
"When I'm good, I'm very good; when I'm bad, I'm better", and "It's not the men in your life that count, it's the life in your men"?
8. What river does the Louvre border?
50,000 fog droplets form a tablespoon of water.
1. General Hospital
2. - 1962
3. Yom Kippur
4. a Stone in the middle
5. Hillary Clinton
6. Sopwith Camel
7. Mae West
8. the Seine
Fog and clouds are both composed of water droplets, although the water droplets are so small that it would take so much more than 50,000 droplets to form one tablespoon of water. In fact estimates range from 450 million to 160 trillion droplets of fog are needed to make up a single tablespoon of water.