The White House Sweet Dough Butter Cookie Recipe


New member
I saw this on the news this morning and thought I would post it.

The White House Sweet Dough Butter Cookie Recipe

1 lb Sugar
1 tsp Vanilla
2 lbs Butter
1 tsp Salt
3 Eggs
3 lbs All Purpose Flour

Mix the butter and sugar till soft and well beaten. Then add eggs, vanilla, salt and half the flour. Beat on slow speed till mixed, then add the rest of the flour and mix until incorporated.

Push flat onto a cookie sheet and refrigerate overnight. Roll out to one quarter inch thick and cut out cookie shapes with cookie cutter.

Bake at 350F for 14 minutes and then allow to cool.
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you're welcome. Lee they do look like they're easy to make and very basic ingredients. Did you notice the flour was in weight. That's the first thing that struck me. They were talking about Obama's White House candy and this one of the things that the chef made I'm guessing for Halloween. I went off my diet today and had 4 donuts. I just had to have a sugar fix. Oh my God were they good. I told myself I would not eat anymore cookies or cakes until the new year them my New Year's resolution is to eat more sweets. Can't wait for new years!