Morrie was the next door neighbor in Wisconsin back in the 50's. His drink of choice was a dry brandy Manhatten. My Dad adopted it for his own and the Morrie Louis on the rocks was born.
a dash of bitters
1 part dry vermouth
2 parts brandy
an olive or two, or, in my case, cocktail onions, thus the Morrie Gibson
Everybody thinks we cheddarheads are big beer drinkers because Milwaukee makes so much of it. The fact is, we're about average in the consumption category. Something everybody does NOT know is that the Badger State consumes 90% of the brandy in the US and we leave the other 10% for the rest of you to fight over.....
a dash of bitters
1 part dry vermouth
2 parts brandy
an olive or two, or, in my case, cocktail onions, thus the Morrie Gibson
Everybody thinks we cheddarheads are big beer drinkers because Milwaukee makes so much of it. The fact is, we're about average in the consumption category. Something everybody does NOT know is that the Badger State consumes 90% of the brandy in the US and we leave the other 10% for the rest of you to fight over.....