The Morrie Louis


Morrie was the next door neighbor in Wisconsin back in the 50's. His drink of choice was a dry brandy Manhatten. My Dad adopted it for his own and the Morrie Louis on the rocks was born.

a dash of bitters
1 part dry vermouth
2 parts brandy
an olive or two, or, in my case, cocktail onions, thus the Morrie Gibson

Everybody thinks we cheddarheads are big beer drinkers because Milwaukee makes so much of it. The fact is, we're about average in the consumption category. Something everybody does NOT know is that the Badger State consumes 90% of the brandy in the US and we leave the other 10% for the rest of you to fight over..... :glare:
Morrie was the next door neighbor in Wisconsin back in the 50's. His drink of choice was a dry brandy Manhatten. My Dad adopted it for his own and the Morrie Louis on the rocks was born.

a dash of bitters
1 part dry vermouth
2 parts brandy
an olive or two, or, in my case, cocktail onions, thus the Morrie Gibson

Everybody thinks we cheddarheads are big beer drinkers because Milwaukee makes so much of it. The fact is, we're about average in the consumption category. Something everybody does NOT know is that the Badger State consumes 90% of the brandy in the US and we leave the other 10% for the rest of you to fight over..... :glare:

Oh yeah.... I think I saw that on a WI license plate or something.....
That's a pretty old school sounding cocktail Buzz!

Fun fact about WI and the brandy... never would have guessed... maybe it will come up in Quizzo one of these days.
Old Fashioned Cocktails are immensely popular here too. Both Whiskey and Brandy. I'd never had one before moving to WI, but now I love them!
That's a pretty old school sounding cocktail Buzz!

Fun fact about WI and the brandy... never would have guessed... maybe it will come up in Quizzo one of these days.

Strange isn't it? brandy manhattens, brandy sours, hot brandy and cinnamon, brandy and coke...... you name it, they drink it. It is probably an acquired taste but I prefer brandy over scotch, gin, and vodka for cocktail fixings.
hmm WI is sounding more fun than I imagined

I feel like my Grandfathers' generation (WWII) they all had a "drink"

now people more have a brand...

I like the idea of having my own signature drink....

maybe some research is in order:respect:
hmm WI is sounding more fun than I imagined

Wisconsin has a bad drinking problem. When I was growing up the legal age for high test beer was 18. All of us 15 year olds had plenty of 18 year old friends. Every town had at least one brewery. We would buy wooden ponies (1/8 barrels) right from the brewmeister and head out to the woods with our girlfriends for a beer party.

In college in Madison, my fraternity always had 2 half barrels on tap downstairs in the bar.

There is a huge problem with binge drinking, especially the younger folks, and the state is working on solutions to the problem. The "state". So much crap. Where are the parents? Probably at the corner tavern. Every corner in my home town has one.

In the mid 60's Playboy mag did an article on the biggest and bestest party schools in America. There was an asterisk near the article title. After a few pages of nonsense, the asterisk reappeared followed by "Wisconsin. We don't rank professionals with amateurs". And so it goes.

The vast amount of alcohol consumption in Wisconsin has also led to the fattest people I've ever seen. What do you do in the winter? You go to the bar, or, for a change, you stay home and drink. The only thing keeping me from joining the beerbelly brigade is Marine Corps pride. I couldn't stand myself looking like that for no other reason than lack of discipline.
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My wife would know better than me. I know they built a new assisted living place over there a few years ago, but we don't spend much time over in Prairie so I can't remember the name.
. The "state". So much crap. Where are the parents? Probably at the corner tavern. Every corner in my home town has one.


I hear you.... "The State" made it real hard for kids to get beer around here.... sadly now it is easier to get hard drugs... so a 16yo cant get a beer but can walk to any corner and get a bag of heroin...drug dealers don't check ID.... need I say more

The binge drinking on college kids is scary... god knows I did my share but so many kids I went to school with had always been the good smart kids never partied and had no idea how to handle it... I was lucky but my kid brother lost a few friends this way... scary stuff.