The Franken-Pantry

That looks awesome Keltin!! I want some of that!! I just happen to have heavy cream, mushrooms, onions, burgundy wine, egg noodles, potatoes, potato flakes and broccoli!!
Your second Franken-Pantry dinner looks awesome! Just beautiful...and didn't that butter taste great on the broccoli?:clap::clap::clap:
Magnificent, Keltin! This is so neat...kinda like playing "Survivor" in the kitchen :yum:
so if we could use vino, could we use vino vinegar.......
i'm a figuring that's a derivative.....
so if we could use vino, could we use vino vinegar.......
i'm a figuring that's a derivative.....

You could make vinegar from wine, but vinegar is different, so it has to be listed to be used. Just like butter is a derivative of cream, you either have to make the butter, or list the butter in the pantry to use it.
Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. Potatoes…….French Fries and Fried Potato Skins.

DW peels potatoes the old fashioned way with a paring knife. Leaves rather thick chunks of skin. So, as I’ve done a time or two before, I grabbed those skins before she could toss them and fried them up for some yummy Fried Potato Skins.


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As I always say, one woman's trash is another man's snack! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

Seriously, these are good, and if you peel the old fashioned way, it's definitely worth doing instead of tossing all that goodness! Such a nice little snack or side dish! You could even top a burger with some ranch dressing and these fried skins and have a wildy creative and tasty burger. Might do that with some buffalo or lamb meat soon. :w00t:

As I always say, one woman's trash is another man's snack! :yum::yum::yum::yum:

Serioulsy, these are good, and if you peel the old fashioned way, it's definitely worth doing instead of tossing all that goodness! Such a nice little snack or side dish! You could even top a burger with some ranch dressing and these fried skins and have a wildy creative and tasty burger. Might do that with some buffalo or lamb meat soon. :w00t:

I use a knife and cut towards me. Is that the old fashioned way? :yum:
I use a knife and cut towards me. Is that the old fashioned way? :yum:

YEP!!! If you ain't using one of these, then you are old school! Nothing wrong with that though (other than it's frightening to see that sharp blade move toward one's hand like that). Makes for more snacks, and technically, if you do fried skins, it's less wasteful. The peelings from a peeler are too thin and can't be used for much.


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I can't believe I have never thought to do that with the peelings. I'll be doing it now! It's funny, I use a peeler for everything except potatoes. It feels weird to use anything but my knife on that particular vegetable. Learned it from my grandmother (didn't have peeler's in her day). LOL!
Here are the fries that were made with the potatoes that I got the skins from. I cut the potatoes into fries, then par-boiled them for 12 minutes to soften them. I rinsed them and chilled them in cold water for 30 minutes, then fried them.


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