SmartShopper: Because pen and paper are too easy

Deadly Sushi

Formerly The Giant Mojito
Yes ladies and gents. Someone thought making a voice recognized recorder would be a great device for a shopping list. Not for YOU... but for them when a sucker buys one from them.
You speak into this hunk of plastic crap and then you choose on the screen what you just said. Its not always accurate of course. THEN...... you print out your list when you are ready. Not only do you have to pay for this piece of feces.... you have to buy the refillable paper. :bonk:

OH! Here is something no one talks about on their advertising.... you cant choose what BRAND of product you want. You CANT choose the quantity you want.... you cant choose between whole black pepper or ground McKormicks red pepper flakes. All it has is: PEPPER

Please watch a sucker use this thing! :brows:

A much easier way is to organize you recipes in text files which can be read on about every computer on the planet. Simply select the recipe and print it that is how I do it regardless. Simple cut and past to your files to add or subtract. I've tried databases and a number of programs but find the text file is the easiest and most reliable.

As for voice recorders I really find them useless period.
The kid cries,

She says Pepper

Did you notice Depends appeared at the bottom of the list?

Maybe the machines smarter than we give it credit for.
I use Big Oven to organize my recipes, and it also does shopping lists. I just type in a few characters, and the ingredient pops up. I pretty much have everything sorted by aisle, and I can send the list to my BlackBerry. It's very convenient now!
There's a sucker born every minute!

I wonder;

Just exactly how much does this wiz-kid crap gadget cost, since the price of it was never mentioned.

Also, the small list that was printed didn't come off very neatly either. And since it is on paper anyway, it might as well have been hand written.