Roving Apron Thread part III


Staff member
GOLD Patron
We will have a Roving Apron very soon. I will go first. LT 2nd since you kicked off this idea. Here is the list as I know it so far. As others join we will add the names to the list. Post in this thread to get your name added.

To be on the list you Must agree to post a pic of you with the apron, and you must agree to send the apron on to the next on the list in a reasonable time period. Two weeks at the very most.

1. Doc
2. LT (Lucky Trim)
3. Luvs
4. LifeSaver
5. Vera
6. Andy
7. Buzz
8. Uncle Ralph
9. High Cheese
10. Bucky Tom

Mods, please edit this post and add names as members post saying they want in on this. Thanks.
For general information, you have to give the previous person on the list your home address. It also cost a few bucks to mail the apron to the next person. Please be prepared for both situations before you agree to be on the list.
The Apron is here. :D
I will get a marker and a pic in the next day or two and get it on it's way to LT. LT please PM me your address. :tiphat:
yinz should sign on~ it's a really neat experience. have a sharpie to sign the apron~.

kinda like the pool- dip 'da tootsies or dive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I now have LT's address and a big boating holiday weekend ahead of me. I'll make sure to send the apron on the way to LT next week.
Anyone who wants added to the list please post in this thread and you will be added in the order you reply.
Yep it is a brand new apron.
So far we have lost two aprons. I don't know what happened to them either and don't want to try to hard to remember so we simply move on. .......
And we're off!!!!!! I got a pic of me in bad need of a haircut, with the apron on. Been playing on the water to much and my barber is all booked up. Have to wait till next week. :eek:
I signed and dated the apron. I think the date will be a good addition to each name. :D

Number III will be on it's way to LT tomorrow mid day. Wish us luck.


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Will people remained clothed under this version?

Yes Susan, I am positive they will. The one person from across the pond who has a wicked sense of humor was indeed clothed in the ornery pics he posted. He is not here any longer and obviously will not have the apron sent to him. He was just trying to be funny and I was assured by him that he was clothed.

All people were clothed under the last one, weren't they?:huh:

Anyhow, hehe Doc.. you look fab dahhling!

Thanks Sass and everyone!!!!! That pic made me take notice of my weight, disappearing hair line and graying hair. :eek: :( It sucks getting old.
oh, doc~ not to mention andy!- think u should make an appt. for an old folks place now! hehe. bull. think u've several decades (+) until then. great pic.:D
u cannot let this be you!~:kabob:
Not ready for the old folks home yet Luvs. Still out working folks way younger than me. I don't mind age comments though.
Yes Susan, I am positive they will. The one person from across the pond who has a wicked sense of humor was indeed clothed in the ornery pics he posted. He is not here any longer and obviously will not have the apron sent to him. He was just trying to be funny and I was assured by him that he was clothed.

Thanks Sass and everyone!!!!! That pic made me take notice of my weight, disappearing hair line and graying hair. :eek: :( It sucks getting old.

Ok Doc! In my opinion... I don't see anything wrong with your weight. Pics have a dendency to make a person look bigger than they really are. As far as the thing with the hair... I think a lot of us knogable people are going through that. :) I love getting old... Getting old is a privalige denied many. :)
oh, doc~ not to mention andy!- think u should make an appt. for an old folks place now! hehe. bull. think u've several decades (+) until then. great pic.:D
u cannot let this be you!~:kabob:

You are soooooo right aubery. Thank You. :D :thumb:
Ok Doc! In my opinion... I don't see anything wrong with your weight. Pics have a dendency to make a person look bigger than they really are. As far as the thing with the hair... I think a lot of us knogable people are going through that. :) I love getting old... Getting old is a privalige denied many. :)
Very true LS. Thank You.
My frustration is I have been trying to drop pounds all this year. I dropped a few, then some of them found me again. :pat: And so it goes.
Not ready for the old folks home yet Luvs. Still out working folks way younger than me. I don't mind age comments though.

Amen to that. I guess lack of jobs aren't that big a deal here in my parts. I've been trying to hire someone to do some yard work for me for weeks. Heck, I'm offering $10 an hour cash money, use all my equipment and RIDING mower. I'm gettin' these young bucks that work for a day or two and say it's too much work. Wow.

Love the apron and the idea you folks got going with the signing and passing it on. It's nice to put faces with names.
Very true LS. Thank You.
My frustration is I have been trying to drop pounds all this year. I dropped a few, then some of them found me again. :pat: And so it goes.

doc, we fluctuate. it's normal. look @ my pix- very spindly, then i'm of a normal wt., then empty-lookin', then normal. my weight is kinda seasonal. summer, i swim & get where i ought be usin' my feet; autumn/winter, taxis or bus systems when it's slippey. leaf sludge/snow-:ermm:. i'll plump. so it goes. thought u were lookin' thin.