Ni pedo
this makes 3-9X13 pans.. i use this when i need to supply dessert
6 cups brown sugar
6 cups flour
6 tsp cinnamon
3 cup melted butter
6 cups oatmeal
6 cups flour
6 tsp cinnamon
3 cup melted butter
6 cups oatmeal
Mix this all together, divide into 3 portions. set aside.
Now press half of the mixture of one of the portions you set aside into a greased 9x13 inch-baking dish. Repeat instructions for the next 2 baking dishes.
To each pan add:
4 cups chopped rhubarb
4 cups chopped rhubarb
Cook until clear:
3-cups water
3-cups sugar 3-cups water
6 tsp cornstarch
3 tsp vanilla
3 tsp vanilla
Pour clear mixture over rhubarb
Top with rest of crumb mixture.
Bake 45 minutes at 350 degrees
Serve warm with whipped cream or ice cream if desired.