Putting Up Basil

I go through basil by the pound at the restaurant, but every now and then I find I have some that is about to 'go' before I can get to it. I don't like to freeze it, all I see as a result is wet basil; I won't dry it, either. When I have a bunch that I have to work before I lose it I make pesto. Even if I don't need pesto at the moment, I can freeze that.
I still have a couple containers of last year's pesto in the freezer :wink:

At the end of basil season, I also freeze it in ice-cube trays. Put a couple cups of basil in the blender, add a cup or so of water, and puree. Pour the puree into ice-cube trays and freeze. When frozen, put the cubes in freezer bags. During the winter, throw a cube in sauces, stews, etc.
Well, I finally got around to trying this, and actually GOT to it before the frost wrecked my lovely crop of basil.

Made two small jelly jars of the basil, salt and oil. In the fridge.

I'm psyched at the thought of having almost-fresh basil this winter!


Lee how did you like the basil?
You know, Peep, I still have the jars of basil in salt and oil in the fridge, untouched. I keep forgetting about it!

It should be good and basil-y by now, huh? LOL! Will try it on some tomatoes and report.
