Please Help


New member
this is posted on FF and im posting here to help find these Great Dogs a Home.....

Family losing home.

Desperate to find loving home.

Already housebroken, trained, love kids, neutered, up to date on shots.

But must stay together!

Contact: Katherine at:

Thanks for your help spreading the word. Read their story below.

The story...This family has lost their home and the apartment does not allow dogs. They are looking for a home for the two Labs. Picture is attached See below.

As many of you know, we are moving in just 2 weeks. Unfortunately, I have still not been able to find a good home for Cookie and Coco.

We're not able to take our beloved doggies with us and I've been desperately trying to find a home for both of them 'together'. They were raised together and pine without each other. The Lab rescue have already said that they would probably separate them, so this is my last resort.

Recently I tried to take Coco out in my car alone and she TOTALLY refused to even get into the car without Cookie.....!!!! She absolutely pulled back on her haunches until Cookie was by her side. Both doggies are in great health, have been spayed and have ID chips implanted under the skin.

Cookie turned 3 December 10th and Cookie is my mellow-yellow,
and just loves her tummy rubbed. Coco is adorably funny and lives for
her "ball".

She also loves the water..... Cookie loves lots of attention. Both doggies are loyal and love to walk. They have been raised with my 3 kids running around all over the place, and have survived. Sammy's constant hugging and love of 'dress-up', so they are fantastic
family dogs. This is by far one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make, but under the circumstances I have no choice.

Please, Please forward these pics to all you know and help me find a great home for these fabulous doggies. They are just adorable and it's heartbreaking to let them go. In a perfect world, I hope that we could find someone local so that we can still keep in touch and visit

I pray that someone, somewhere can help us keep Cookie and Coco together, and love them just as much as we do. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart.

***If you can think of ANYONE who can take in these babies.....***


  • Labs.jpg
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OMG, if it weren't for having 5 dogs, I would take them both in a heart beat!! It shouldn't take long to find a home. Good luck and I hope a wonderful loving home is found quickly.
Oh that poor family...this just breaks my heart. They look like wonderful dogs. All of the statistics that we read about people losing their homes do not tell the whole story, do they? What happens to their pets? I wish I could do something - we currently have four adorable abandoned puppies outside our front gate that we need to find homes for...
When I click on to the link, it won't let me thru. I don't know why.
Could you tell me where's the location? Or tell her of the addresses I've posted? They are international organizations.

I'll see if I can find it on FF too.
Location is very important when it comes to placing these two great dogs. Please provide that information.
Yes, Md is maryland. I see Big Dog's thread, but I still can't get thru to her site. would you please forward the links I've provided?
Appreciate it. Thanks.
I can't save that image!! I need to, we know three people in MD, all dog lovers. Can't guarantee anything, but I want to send all the info and the pics of the dogs along and see what happens...
My email is in my profile, please send the pic and as many details as you can.
If all else fails, we can check our no kill shelters here. The dogs are welcome there as long as it takes to find homes, and they would respect keeping them together. If you can't find any alternatives, and it becomes hopeless, let us know and we can drive out there and bring them back here to find a home for them.
I've had that problem too, Mav, but you can pull it over onto an email or your document programs sometimes.
I can copy and paste the post into my email. If you want to send me your email address, I can send it to you.
I tried to send it in an email as well, it just copied the link to the thread in there. My email address is on my contacts in my profile. If you can copy it then please yes send it to me.
Hate to cast a shadow, but, this was sent to me two weeks ago by my DW. We think that it has beenn circulating for quite some time. We can't find it on Snopes.

I don't want to stop two beautiful dogs from getting a home, please check further.

Andy C
I emailed as well, we will see. If it is fake oh well, just hope it is not someone collecting email address' for spamming... which is why I used my secondary account LOL.
I google, email about two labs and it came back with the same thing on a few other sites, so, who knows. Maybe it's real maybe it isn't.