Peep’s Green Olive Tapenade


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Peep’s Green Olive Tapenade

Makes about 1 cup

1 1/4 C. Stuffed Spanish Olives, Drained Well

1 Tbsp. Drained Capers

1 - 2 Large Garlic Cloves, Minced - Or to taste

Anchovy Fillets Or Paste - To Taste

1 Tsp. Fresh Lemon Juice

1/4 C. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

1 Tbsp. Chopped Fresh Parsley

To Serve:

Assorted crackers and chips

Toasted baguette slices

Combine olives, capers and garlic in processor and chop finely.

With motor running, gradually add lemon juice and oil and process until blended.

Transfer tapenade to bowl.

Stir in parsley.

Season to taste with pepper.

(Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate.)

Serve tapenade with crackers, chips or toasted baguette slices.


Grill Master
Staff member
Gold Site Supporter

Printed and saved! Love tapenade but never had it with green olives.

Thanks, Peep!



🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Thought I added picture. Here it is.
