OMG, a beer I like


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The only beer I drink is Amber Bock by Michelob as it is the only beer that doesn't give me a want to climb a tower and kill people headache. No matter what beer I've tried through they years I get a severe headache before I finish the first one. I was given and Amber Bock a few years ago at a BBQ and drank about 6 with no headache so it is now my official beer though I much prefer a good rum and coke.


Low Carb Home Cook
Site Supporter
The only beer I drink is Amber Bock by Michelob as it is the only beer that doesn't give me a want to climb a tower and kill people headache. No matter what beer I've tried through they years I get a severe headache before I finish the first one. I was given and Amber Bock a few years ago at a BBQ and drank about 6 with no headache so it is now my official beer though I much prefer a good rum and coke.

Have you ever tried a rice beer? No headaches! :clap:


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Yes and I still get a headache besides no liking the taste of it. I cook with rice wine but can't drink the stuff or for that matter any wine. I was just never much on wines and beers as I always preferred rums, Bourbons and whiskeys to the rest of the stuff. Now in all honesty I'm not a big drinker at all, either a beer or two after dinner or a rum and coke usually before I go to bed or at a party. Even at a party a drink or two and I don't want more.


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Finally got to the store where the awshum lambics are sold. The brand I couldn't remember is de Boomgaard. Apparently, it's not Dutch, but like the original lambic -- Belgian. Picked up some peach. They're chilling right now, so review to follow later this week ...


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