This is a multiple choice poll, so you can put down both...I like most types. I'm not too big on musicals, and I hate ridiculous romantic comedies. I guess gangster and horror would be tied for my favorites.
Want me to take out musical and replace with mystery suspence? It definetly sounds better.My favorite is missing*, Lefty: Mystery/Suspense.
*As I write this (Vera). ;-)
ROTFLMAO!!! j/k, Lefty. (Like anyone would admit to it being a fav anyway.)
I think porn and 'hand in the face' should be mutually exclusive =)I cant win.
My favorite is missing*, Lefty: Mystery/Suspense.
Want me to take out musical and replace with mystery suspense? It definitely sounds better.
mysteries are my favorite too.
One of my favorite pictures of all times I would class as a chick flick, Steel Magnolias.