Member Spotlight- Saliha!


Grill Master
Staff member
NCT Patron
One of our newest members has agreed to complete our "Spotlight" survey.

Here's a closer look at Saliha!


P.S. We would love more members who haven't done so yet to participate in our Spotlights. If you are interested in doing so yourself, or want to nominate a member, please PM me.

SALIHA .....

Tell us a little about yourself - your family or household, kids, pets, occupation, etc.

I am widow, no kids.
I have had dogs, birds, horse.
Once one my dog ate my guinea pig. Ooops. What I can do then? Just pat pat to head and say "no meal today". Hopely it was tasty...

What part of the world do you live in?
Finland. Europe.

How did you find the NCT community?

I told this before. I found it when came to look fig jam recipe...

Do you have any hobbies besides cooking?
riding by horse, reading, paiting, writing

If you could choose any profession or occupation, what would it be and why?
gardening, I am good with it

How and why did you choose your Username? What does it mean?

I got it as honour name, meaning is a person who is right minded. I got it from my human right working.

What is a typical day like for you?
I wake up at 6 am, then at 7 am go to run, 8 am some breakfast.

What accomplishment are you most proud of?

I saved other human´s life

Give us 5 words that describe you..

That is so hard...
kind, nature lover,sporty, nasty, independent

Name 5 things you can't live without.
the forest, fresh air, water, my books, gardening

Who is your role model and why?
Desmond Tutu, I like his opinions of humanity

Tell us one thing about yourself that people would be surprised to know.

I slept on the horse and horse slept too. So it was 30 years old.

What would the child you once were think of the adult you have become?
I was surprise when I realised how good teacher I was.

How and at what age did you start cooking?

My grandad teached me cooking. I think I was 4.

Do you have a signature dish or one that you make especially well?
I think it is Finnish apple pie.

What is your favorite spice?
mint (I have 7 different mints in my garden. Last year I found chocolate mint - pure taste of chocolate and mint together.)

What is your favorite restaurant meal?
I don´t eat in the restaurants (I have to be sure that food is halaal)

What would your last meal be if you could choose anything at all?

If you could host a dinner party with 6 well-known guests, living or dead, who would they be and what would you serve?
Can I invite who ever? Ok then I put tohether Juvonen (my friend), Nelson Mandela, Malala, Desmond Tutu and me. Me, Tutu and Malala are alive, others died.
And me eat Somalian food.

Who would you most like to have prepare a meal for you?
my husband...

100 years from now, how would you like to be remembered?

I wish I am remembered as Saliha.

Thanks SALIHA!!!!!
Very nice to get to know you. I appreciate you doing a Member Spotlight. :tiphat:
Nice Job. Very interesting. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Lovely Spotlight, Saliha!

Please post some recipes using various mints! All I grow is spearmint, and typically make a sugar and vinegar sauce to go with lamb, and/or as a muddle in a Mint Julep.

I think that green mint is better with lamb. One my mint is catnib mint (I have no cats but some neighbors has... and they love it). Grape mint - it taste both mint and grape fruit.

Peppermint spreads like the strawberry and I think that soon all my garden is full of it.

And spicy mint is almost same like green mint. Chocolate mint... its name tells how it taste. :bounce:

And about strawberries, I have white ones in my garden.