Lentil Joes

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🌾🌼
Gold Site Supporter
1 c cooked lentils
1 T oil
1 medium onion-finely diced
1 green bell pepper-finely diced
2 cloves garlic-minced
3 T chili powder
2 t oregano
1 t salt
8 oz can tomato sauce
1/4 c tomato paste
3 T maple syrup
1 T mustard

Saute onions and peppers in oil til soft.
Add garlic, stirring and cooking for an additional minute.
Add the lentils, chili powder, oregano and salt, mixing well.
Add tomato sauce and paste, and cook for 10 minutes, then add syrup and mustard til heated.

Allow to sit for a few minutes, then serve on toasted buns.


New member
Sounds interesting, and possibly delicious (though I'm generally not a fan of lentils)...but the recipe is too rich for my diet. :wink: