JoeV has left the building...

This board has a propensity to hijack threads. I know, because I'm a fairly successful offender.

Fished today following a breakfast of bacon (peppered and tossed in flour), basted eggs, hash browns, NYT bread and strong coffee. Lunch was sammies on NYT bread, and dinner was Pasta E Fajioli that I made last night, more NYT bread, jerk chicken on the grill, potato salad and copius amounts of adult beverages (never did get anything green into the meal). I also butterflie, breaded and fried up the chicken breast tonight for the chicken Parmesan for Saturday's dinner and made two loaves of Italian bread. Got the guests to bring the salad and dessert so I can get more time on the water. Actually have some sun on my face and my lips are sunburned from the bluebird skies and 60 dgreee weather.

Hoping to get on the river by 0800 for some more fishing before prep for dinner for 10-12 dinner guests. SHould be a lot of fun.

Having a blast cooking for folks down here in the "holler" and exposing them to foods they've never had before. Cleanup is easy because there are never an y leftovers.

Well, of to bed early after all day in the sun. Sure takes it out of you.


Well, I know it's not the 9th yet but it's good to see you JoeV! I missed the bread porn pics! :whistling:
Well, I know it's not the 9th yet but it's good to see you JoeV! I missed the bread porn pics! :whistling:

I'm getting ready to head to teh airport in Nashville in a little while. It's about an 80 mile drive. Then off to Cleveland via Memphis, and touchdown around 5 p.m. EST. Sucks to have teh vacation over so soon, but it will be nice to get home to my own bed and a normal schedule again. I'll be back online tonight to begin bothering aeveryone, and post some food pics from teh past week. The "Hill People" were exposed to some of my culinaty delights, and found them to be good. I also added two or three new NYT bread baking deciples. :thumb: I was able to show them all the steps since I made bread here every day. It's always fun watching people enjoying what you cook.

