It's a............. :)

Isn't it so exciting, Luvs?

And btw, I remember that you and Jake were thinking about having a baby. Have there been any new developments in that area?
Well its all set....we are sceduled to have our baby girl join us Feb 9th at 6:00 in the morning!! LOL its kinda weird know exactly when your baby will be born but hey it is what it is! :in_love:
Wow this is the last few weeks that I will EVER be pregnant!! Definantely bitter sweet! ;)
Awww really ? :)
I actually was able to scedule her for the 8th but I didn't because that is the Birthday of someone I really don't care for!! It may be petty of me but I just didn't want them to share a Birthday! LOL
Congrats, Dee! We have two beautiful daughters ourselves. They are great. Ours our best of friends today (although it wasn't always that way.:whistle:):lol: Typical sibling rivalry, but they grow out of it.
Awww really ? :)
I actually was able to scedule her for the 8th but I didn't because that is the Birthday of someone I really don't care for!! It may be petty of me but I just didn't want them to share a Birthday! LOL

I would have done the same thing. lol Cuz, I'm that way too.
Nope, you picked a good day.
Congrats, Dee! We have two beautiful daughters ourselves. They are great. Ours our best of friends today (although it wasn't always that way.:whistle:):lol: Typical sibling rivalry, but they grow out of it.

Thanks Joe :) How close in age are they?
Mazal Tov. I have 3 daughters, so you have one more to cath up with me. Good luck. Shh don't tell my DW, she wants another baby.