If I'm missing awhile this will explain


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My wife went in for a normal check up this morning and to check her high blood pressure medicine. She hasn't felt well the last couple of day and while there she had the start of a heart attack. She drover herself to the doctors and they sent her to the UK emergency room and sent a cab to pick me up to get the car. They have now transfered her to Good Samaritan which is also part of the UK medical center for more tests. It seems her thyroid has shut down so she is waiting for the results back from some test they did in the emergency room and a cardiologist will be seeing her later today. The will keep her now as as stands over night and part of tomorrow for more tests. Needless to say if I'm not here you will understand why.


Head Mistress
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Get some rest yourself, Joe...and keep us posted when you can. I'll be thinking of you both.


New member
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Prayers and thoughts going out to you and your wife. I hope everything turns out fine.


Queen of Cornbread
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My prayers are going out to your wife, yourself and your whole family. Please keep us posted.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🩺
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She's in very good hands Joe.
Like the others said, you take care of yourself too.
We'll all be thinking about her and saying a few words to the Master.


Low Carb Home Cook
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My wife went in for a normal check up this morning and to check her high blood pressure medicine. She hasn't felt well the last couple of day and while there she had the start of a heart attack. She drover herself to the doctors and they sent her to the UK emergency room and sent a cab to pick me up to get the car. They have now transfered her to Good Samaritan which is also part of the UK medical center for more tests. It seems her thyroid has shut down so she is waiting for the results back from some test they did in the emergency room and a cardiologist will be seeing her later today. The will keep her now as as stands over night and part of tomorrow for more tests. Needless to say if I'm not here you will understand why.

:sorry: Definitely! prayers on the way my friend


Staff member
Gold Site Supporter
Sorry to hear that Joe. Thoughts and prayers for both you and your wife.
Take care my friend.


🌹🐰 Still trying to get it right.
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You and your wife are in my thoughts and prayers.

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I just got back from seeing her and they will be doing more tests tomorrow morning trying to pin down the cause and damage done so far to the heart. Their main concern is bold clots right now so they put her on a blood thinner. That is about all I can understand by what the doctor said, they speak a different language than I do. My son who is a doctor in NC is on vacation with his family in Orlando for the next week and he spoke to her doctor this even when he was there.

Thanks all for your well wishes I past them along to Dawn when I was up there tonight.

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
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Joe, I just read your message and I'm heartbroken to hear this! I will keep Dawn (and you and your family) in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know how she is doing, my friend.


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Well after my visit tonight she is doing fine. I know she is pretty much back to her keep the nurses and doctors in laughter of blushing. She got a visit to day from an oncologist in regards to her thyroid. They did an ultra sound on both her heart and thyroid late yesterday and though there is some fear of one chamber of the heart needing to be cleaned out which isn't as bad as it sounds since they go in trough the leg with an inflatable end that they blow up then deflate to clean up the chamber so no blood clots. Now this will only be done if the blood thinner don't do their job which as of today looks like they are working perfectly.

Now the funny part is she is scheduled for a scan tomorrow morning. This scan requires her to take an iodine isotope pill. You really have to picture this keeping in mind my wife is truly a blond. They clear the halls in the corridor and two people enter the room in full high radiation suits complete with the dark Vader breathing sound. Now they are caring a lead box in tongs 4 feet in front of them, setting it on the table in front of Dawn. They then open the box and ask her to remove the pill as swallow it. Her response was will I glow in dark?

In all seriousness though she missed a bullet this time as luckily she was being examined by her doctor when they found the problem. Now telling if it had happen while driving or out on our property. The thyroid though serious enough you can live with out with a single pill a day. Another consolidation is they changed her blood pill from 1 from 3 pills, so now she will be also taking a blood thinner and thyroid pill. Three pills same as she has the last year.

We appreciate all of your concerns and I've passed them on to Dawn. Thanks all.


Resident Curmudgeon
Gold Site Supporter
Joe, I'm really glad to hear the news.

I've been thinking about you and Dawn all day.



The Invisible
Super Site Supporter
Joe, that's great that Dawn has kept such a good attitude. I love the glow in the dark remark, that is priceless!! Give her a big ole hug from Texas and tell her to get better so that she can keep you in line!! LOL


New member
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Joe, that's great that Dawn has kept such a good attitude. I love the glow in the dark remark, that is priceless!! Give her a big ole hug from Texas and tell her to get better so that she can keep you in line!! LOL

I told if she did I could use her for a bathroom night light. :yum: