i luv gtting packages in the mail!


'lil Chef
the process of getting them~
1.)frantically finding my kitchen shears, a knife, something!! gots to find that that's in that box! soon! now!
2.)the box is now open
4.)& you've dumped its contents whilst trying not to shake in your excitement @ finally getting it open. now wtf is in that dagnabbin box? oh, the relief
4.)the item that was sent to me. my tresses now shall have deep conditioning treatments, & conditioning serum. ah!~:clap::kiss::wub::thumb:


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she was; i needed to hide the packing peanuts from her promptly

thanks, glad'ya like my flooring. they remodelled the place before to my arrival, so its new. & easy to clean!
oh, i thought you ordered a cat.

oh oh the wells fargo wagon is uh, comin' down the street
oh please let it be for meeeeeee.
I often get packages from Amazon. The excitement never wears off. Often times I don't remember what I ordered....lol..
i know, hehe. i think i kinda make myself forget. @ then there's the fed-ex guy bearing a box, so it's like, well. yay! good mail for once!'
oh, i thought you ordered a cat.

oh oh the wells fargo wagon is uh, comin' down the street
oh please let it be for meeeeeee.

& yep, bucky, i got a cat shipped to me. or, wait, maybe it was me that sent a cat to someone.:hide: was that maybe to doc 4 his rodent ails? or youuuu???? chit. i'm full of chit, hehe. no cats were shipped. i think.......

well, anyhoo, if a meowing box should arrive @ one of yins' places, erm, i plead the fifth. of vodka.
I'm always happy to see my cute UPS guy in his shorts. :)

Uhhh... maybe I should clarify - it's part of the uniform.

my friend used to luvvvv her ups guy. namely when he was in his uniform shorts. she was quite saddened when he was replaced by an old grumpy guy that isn't very, um, attractive?
she was planning on having this former ups man's children, so i can understand the heartcrushing sadness that she went thru.:D
Hey Luvs,
I just luvvvvvvvv your boots!!:heart:
and I am new, but I love your posts...
please take care...

hi, sweets, managed to miss this post. i'm a ditzy dame here & there.

thanx on the boots compliment & that you luv my posts!~ awwwww, made my day! i'm a boot/shoe junkie. i own so many pairs of them, i mean, a new boot or sandal or shoe or flip-flop w/ each outfit, or to suit your mood, lol, huh?:lol:
welllll, harumph! looks as though i better get on the telly & order some chit from places that use ups service!. my ups guy knocked & bolted, leaving my deep conditionng item lodged between he doors! gasp~!!!! the insult of it. (this may be due to my requesting that they deliver it in this manner. that's not the point, though.) oh, i need an ibuprofin, now. maybe a sedative, to relieve the heartache of this infraction of delivery-guy justice. sigh, the ache of it.
I love getting packages in the mail too. I even love tracking the packages and I do track every day until it gets to my house.

Sometimes my UPS man leaves the box in the driveway. Don't like that. It should be on the front porch by the front door.
i request that @ my place, they place my items in the door, w/ them knocking. if & when they don't arrive, & thats occurred, i call 'em non-hesitantly. once i didn't get an over $250 package. usually, though, they're pretty good about delivery.
i got more packages delivered earlier! like Christmas in may, ahhhh!~

1.)getting prepared to open 'em
2.)tigs is very protective of me, so he insisted on investigating before he allowed me to open them
3.)a box w/in a box!:w00t2:
4.)new cookware for me!!!!
5.)admiring my new roaster & bakeware w/ lid
6.)bubble wrap!!!!!!!:in_love: i'm stayin in tonite. don't gots time to throw away when there's bubble wrap to pop!

sighhhhh. completeness is 'goin to get your mail to glimpse over & see these 2 boxes, & finding that they're fer you!


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My long awaited package came yesterday!:bounce:

The final piece needed to complete my collection of Thorpe rolling pins -- the Baker's Special.


Now I have all 6 sizes.:blush:

My long awaited package came yesterday!:bounce:

The final piece needed to complete my collection of Thorpe rolling pins -- the Baker's Special.


Now I have all 6 sizes.:blush:

i know you luv vintage stuffs.have i shown you my vintage half-fridge yet? if not, take a peek @ 'er~


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fed-ex dude was here again! the package of the day: i luv this stuff!~


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I just took delivery of my new Rib-O-Lator from the cool dude in the brown truck. I get to play with my new toy tomorrow....lol...

'kay, receiving item. proceeding toward utilizing knife-skills to rid envelope of tape, etc.

1.)the curious item received
2.)tagless hanes rock my boots!~


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Not a single package these last couple of days! No wonder, there is no pending orders on my Amazon account. Time to order....anything. I'm already starting to miss that UPS dude.....lol...