How To Layer Lasagna


Well-known member
I'm thinking about how to put together my lasagna and have a question about how to do the layers. I'm planning on layering:

lasagna noodles
ricotta mixture
tomato sauce
bechamel sauce
mozarella cheese

What should the order of layers be? I wouldn't think that the tomato sauce and bechamel should be back-to-back, but IDK. Should I just use a tomato sauce with the ricotta, or use both tomato and bechamel with the ricotta?
I would put a little tomato sauce in the bottom to start. Then noodles. Then I'd spread ricotta on the noodles. It's easier to spread if you have the firmer surface under it - it's wouldn't spread over a sauce.

Then I would put bechamel, then mozzarella. Repeat, but this time use tomato sauce instead of bechamel. I'd do 4 layers if my pan would hold it, two sets with bechamel and two with tomato sauce.

Mozzarella on the top. Then put a generous handful of parmesan over the whole thing.

But that's just me. Probably no 2 of us will do it the same way.
Alright, so alternate sauces in the layers. I'm not sure if I can get four layers, but I'll see. Thanks! :flowers:
I start with a little sauce (tomato) on the bottom of the pan, mix the mozzarella with the ricotta. Top with more mozzarella (or Parmesan) & Sauce (bechamel).
I'll be honest, I've never made lasagna with bechamel sauce and I don't think I'd like it. I don't like tomato cream sauces because the cream mutes the flavor of the tomatoes too much for my taste. I'd think the same thing would happen adding a bechamel sauce to lasagna. Otherwise, I'd layer it the same as SS, except that I always add a layer of provolone with the mozzarella.