Happy Catalentine's Day!


Grill Master
Staff member
NCT Patron
cat candy heart.jpeg

cat hugging.jpg

cat kitten gif.gif

cat loaf.jpg

cat mask.jpg

Cat named Valentine.png

cat purrfect.jpg

cats in heart.jpg

QSis, how did you put the cat in the red paper bag with the movement on here? I've tried before and never been successful. I'm guessing it's a gif??? I'll need an explanation for dummies.
QSis, how did you put the cat in the red paper bag with the movement on here? I've tried before and never been successful. I'm guessing it's a gif??? I'll need an explanation for dummies.
Yep, it's a .gif. If you right click on it to save it the name and extension shows up. Edit to add: But I'm on a laptop running windows10. On a phone or other device I'd guess you can get it / see it but I don't know the specifics.
If you have one that fails Cooksie please contact me and I'll try to help. I can increase the size allowed and many times that will fix things.
Yep, Cooksie, what Doc said. Right click on the image, "Save Image As", I save to Desktop (on my laptop), and rename the gif then.
