Happy Bacon Day!

Johnny West

Well-known member

“HAPPY BACON DAY!!! Bacon Day is observed annually on December 30th. In the United States and Canada, bacon is made from the pork belly. Elsewhere in the world, the side and back cuts of pork are used. The meat is cured in either a salt brine or in a salt pack. It is then either dried, boiled or smoked. Bacon is a very popular food in the USA. You can find many items also flavored or scented with bacon including popcorn, soap, candles, air fresheners and many more.
International Bacon Day is an unofficial holiday celebrated on the first Saturday in September each year. Even though it is an international observance, the dates vary in some cultures, celebrating on February 19 and the first Saturday of January. Bacon is pork meat that is cured with salt, followed by drying or smoking it. The taste is unlike anything else and a staple in American food.“