Frozen dinner recommendations please.

Long ago I had a friend who came to Sri Lanka as a Peace Corps volunteer. Some days he invites me to dinner, and pulls out two parcels of rice and curry from the fridge. It's about a week or so old, and when you open it, the rice has turned back into uncooked rice, and curries feel like sticks. What he does is, he buys his dinner and lunch from a nearby house, and if he eats from anywhere else he gets it packed, and puts in the fridge. He always has several parcels there. His rationale? It's the nutrition you need, not always the taste.
In the beginning I didn't like the idea but later on I knew that it had some meaning, when I came to his age. :D You feel like you can eat anything to stay free, and an old pack of food is more than ok. lol
(I met him in 1993. and he stayed here until 1995. I was much younger needless say. Then after more than 2 decades he found me on facebook, and contacted me right away. He is from North Carolina. Wonderful thing is he still has the pictures taken with me during his stay here. It's a small world.)
Potstickers from InnovAsian on BOGO, 1 box pork, 1 box chicken. Potstickers were surprisingly good, not as good as my homemade, but a heck of a lot better than expected.

TaiPei pork eggrolls, also on sale.

We recently got Farm Fresh jalapeno poppers. Might as well have been green peppers and they were not cooked through enough to bite through so the whole piece of jalapeno pulled out plus the stuffing. Besides that, the breading had an unpleasant texture to me. They were cooked in the big oven , not countertop, per package instructions.

They were BOGO. I told Craig as far as I was concerned we could throw the other package away.
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