Do you mind someone in the kitchen while you are cooking? (poll)

Do you mind other people in the kitchen while you are cooking?

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I have a friend that can't stand anyone in the kitchen while she is cooking. She insists we hang out in any other room while the meal is being made.

Do any of you feel this way?
I dont mind, as long as they stay out of my way. Even my dog seems to know to keep out of my lanes while I am cooking. (as soon as I start carving up a finished meal he is right there looking for a handout LOL)
Our kitchen is currently very small anyway, so it is hard for more than 1 or 2 to be in there. I need people to be doing something and staying out of my way.
I don't mind someone in the kitchen who is helping. My husband and I enjoy cooking together 99.9% of the time. Every once in a while we have a "how-to" discussion :boxing:. What I don't like is people hanging around and just gawking.
No matter where I put my guests, they seem to like the kitchen best.

So long as they stay out of the way, or will prep for me, I have NO problem with it.
I've always preferred being alone in the kitchen most of the time, but there have been exceptions, like during holidays when extra hands are very welcome.
It really depends on who the person is. There are some people who I love to have help. They are willing to do things MY WAY... and then there are others who insist that their way is better....

My kitchen, my rules.
In general, women don't like other women in the kitchen. Guys don't matter. I don't care who's in the kitchen. :D
i voted the more the merrier, but it might be better said that other people don't like to be actually in the kitchen when i'm cooking. i tend to move quickly, sometimes in reverse or sideways so anyone in the way is gonna get hip checked or elbowed. (people by the fridge get boarded or cross checked :wink:)

i love to have my son cook with me. he makes his own fried egg every sunday morning with me, and often helps me makes soups or other things by adding the salt, using the peppermill, or adding dry herbs.

dw is pretty good at avoiding me to help out when i'm doing the cooking, but when it's her dish, i need to be gone.
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I took choice #4. I would have preferred to be able to take 2 and 3 together. If someone is hanging out in the kitchen and talking, I have no porblem, it they stay out of the way. If they are willing to help and are compatible, I am fine with that. I agree with Trish - if I am cooking it is my rules, conversely, if I am in someone else's kitchen, their rules.

Besided, there is no way that I am going to get away cooking without Bear & Liam being in attendance. It is easier in the winter, they don't like the cold floor and stay in the doorway. In the summer, they like the tile floor.

My dream house the kitchen nd living room would be one room. the kitchen would be a circular or semi circulat counter. The sink and cooktop would be in the counter so I could cook and kibitzers could sit around the other side. Also a big screen TV across the room to keep the non kitchen types entertained aithout them being too far away to participate.
I love cooking with other people. I grew up with family all around all the time, so I just got used to it.
I voted the more, the merrier. There is always someone in my way, but I'd rather that than miss all the interactions that happen in the kitchen. Food loosens people up, and some of the most touching and telling conversations have happened in my kitchen.

I ask people in the kitchen to hand me things or stir this or that or rinse a pan, etc. I've never really thought about whether or not guests want to do that or not. If they are in the kitchen, I just assume they are willing to help.

As for doing things my way, I am always open to suggestions or requests. But hubby and I have worked out a system where if it's my meal, he doesn't do anything without asking and vice-versa. He enjoys "experimenting" and is a little heavy handed with the seasonings.
I have a very small cooking area so no more than two can get back there. However the kitchen is much larger and never had a problem with people coming into it.
Well, I voted #2 - I don't mind if I can give them a job to do. But my real answer is "it depends on who it is".

My brother and I cannot work together - we are ALWAYS in each other's way!

My mother and I were like a beautiful ballet together - we always sensed where the other was and it was poetry in motion!

When our family gets together for a big multi-course ethnic meal, I set up stations and give direction rather than do much of the hands-on stuff myself. THAT's fun!

And when my neighbors come over to babble at me while I'm cooking, that drives me nuts!

If Patrick Dempsey was there, he could do any damned thing he wanted! :wub:

I guess I have Andy's dream kitchen. A counter with stools divides the kitchen from the living room, and the big screen is on the far wall. The sink is in the counter. I can stand at the sink and prep, or work at the counter and watch t.v. Or my guests can sit on the OTHER SIDE of the counter and we can talk while I work. I love having the company, but I'm usually not thrilled with having 'help'.

I move around like Bucky. I don't want anyone to be behind me when I swing around. Cross-checking and boarding are good descriptions! :lol: The only one who can help me in the kitchen is SousChef, and that's just because she's learned how to stay out of my way. (And she understands hockey rules.)
I didnt vote because there is no 'it depends' option. Here in NJ, my kitchen is so small that I can only fit one and one half other people in it beside me. And that one and a half person has to stay in their tiny box spot and not move around overmuch.

Now, having said that, I love people in the kitchen with me. If you want a job and can handle it without dismembering yourself, I am always up for helpers who follow my direction. I am very much looking forward to New Orleans because the kitchen is about 4 times the size of what I have now. Even Lou will slice mushrooms now...and he was terrified of working in front of me, initially.
It really depends on who the person is. There are some people who I love to have help. They are willing to do things MY WAY... and then there are others who insist that their way is better....

My kitchen, my rules.

hmmmm and "who" might that be??? lol :whistling:

I don't mind...... just stay out of the way or help. I have a very small space and like to do things my way or the highway. :wub: I mean that in the nicest way possible :D

Luckily my island is one side kitchen other side dining room so the hanging out people tend not to wander in much.... no need.
I am fortunate to have a good size kitchen, with the sink counter being 14' long, and an island 3-1/2' x 6'. With all that space, visitors are welcome to sit in one of the two counter stools, but not in the work lane. Even DW has an uncanny knack of being in the wrong place at the wrong time when she "helps" getting a meal together, because I'm moving along that entire 14' lane, and usually instinctively, knowing just were to back up to in order to grab something, and sometimes poor DW gets bumped or elbowed. The exception to the rule is when I'm washing dishes and standing at the sink...period! Then DW dries and put things away, and she moves without me getting in the way. When I cook/bake, she watches TV, and I do the same when she cooks/bakes. It just works better for us.

Wow, Joe - how BEAUTIFUL!!!

Where were you standing to take that shot???
