Cookbooks for sale

High Cheese

$5 ea + shipping. $20 for Emeril's autographed book. I'll ship the cheapest way possible.

would 'ya trade me, cheese!? that German cookbook seems interesting. my book stash is great reads, & i'll give titles if you're interested. there's non-food & food ones.
watcha got? We've been into the higher end books from authors like Thomas Keller, Pepin, etc.

BTW - that Quick and Easy book is great for quick after work dinners. Minimum ingredients, great for a beginner.
i've many. i've several of Julia Child's copies, various ones. there's medium raw (bourdain) from when he was here in 'da burgh in may if i could find that;think jake swiped that, though. i've a couple of professional cooking volumes, 2 of them although i'm gonna keep my 6th edition. my other is 4th edition. there's a nutrition 1, ServSafe sanitation & alcohol certification instruction in another ServSafe booklet, hospitality law, management volumes that vaguely teach overseeing restaurants,
i should be returning 2 classes soon so i may well accrue a few others then. message me, 'kay. w/ your interests. i've scads of classic novels, too. disks & novels.