Coffee.. how do you take it


New member
Hi my name is John and I have a problem....

So who's a coffee drinker? I am not a coffee drinker so much as an addict. I cannot even function without getting my fix.

How do you take it?

I'm a milk no sugar guy cant stand the sugar

How do you make it?

At home I French press... out.. whatever I'll drink burned gas station sludge if it's all I can get my hands on.

In summer I'm a big fan of the DD iced coffee but can never understand why cold coffee is 3x the price of hot


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Gold Site Supporter
I'm a big coffee drinker too about 3 - 12 cup pots a day. I'm not much on iced coffee but have drank it a few times. I like 1 sugar and milk or half & half. As for brands Maxwell House or Foldgers drips are fine with me. Never had a cup of coffee at a Starbucks I liked, don't care for McDonald's but Burger Kings is OK with my favorite made by others coffee is probably Dunkin Donuts shops. The best coffee was the old Howard Johnson's but they are gone for the most part these days.


Mini man - maxi food
Gold Site Supporter
I'm milk no sugar as well. Usually drink instant (DW prefers the taste) but will make up an occasionally jug in a cafeteire. Out I like it properly made.


Dough Boy
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Decaf with one cream/milk. Usually 1-2 cups per day max. Used to drink enough to get the afternoon shakes, but wised up when I realized MY system couldn't take that much. I do like DD & BK Joe when out. DD is too expensive, IMHO. They think they are the next Starbucks.

Funny story...traveling to a fly fishing event with a friend and we stopped on the Turnpike for a break. Hit the can then went for a coffee in the food court. My friend asked how I wanted my coffee, as he wanted to buy for us from Starbucks. I said, "thanks, but I'll just get a cup of BK Joe. I refuse to support $3 a cup coffee, even if YOU are paying for it." He thought about it for a second, then joined me for a BK Joe, and had to admit it was a damn good cup-o-Joe! Every stop thereafter was for a BK Joe. I brought another disciple into the flock.:applause:


New member
Just cream for me, not too light.
I only drink it in the morning. I make around 8 cups in the coffeemaker and sometimes have one cup left over.
No coffee on Sundays, even though I still get up at the same time and go to work for a while.
Folgers. When it's on sale I stock up.
Loved Dunkin Donuts coffee, too bad there's none around here anymore.


New member
milk, no sugar, please.

prefer the coffee from our Saeco, every cup is a fresh one.. the usual coffeemaker is okay at work, to keep the coffein high... but no way and never Instant coffee :yuk:
I don't know why that is even called coffee

Milk should be real milk or cream, no condensed coffee cream.. that destroys the whole flavour...

btw.. I'll fetch myself a coffee now ;o)


Well-known member
Like my liquor - neat! Black. So it has to be good coffee. My wife makes it the Polish way - with a press like thing that ends up with about an inch of coffee grounds in the bottom of the cup.


New member
Black! I only drink it in the morning, maybe 2-3 mugs. I don't think I've ever had coffee out except at a restaurant after dinner and that's very rare. I just don't like the taste of it later in the day.



New member
I use powdered cream and sugar. I drink 2 cups in the morning and 2 cups at night. It doesn't effect me at night.


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I've never had a problem with coffee at night either and often fall asleep with a half of cup sitting on the bed stand beside me.


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
During the week, one cup black while watching the news, and one 20 oz. thermocup black for my commute and at work.

One the weekends I drink 2-4 mugs in the morning with half-and-half.


Resident Rocker Lady
Don't drink the stuff.... hate it. I prefer JD in the morning... that really gets the motor running!


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JD is that Jack Daniels, Sattie? If so that would sure make you warm and fuzzy in the morning. :bounce:


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
I take mine with just sugar if it is a medium brew. If it is a strong brew, I will use light cream (once called coffee cream) never half n half or milk.
We use a Gevalia coffee maker or a French Press depending on my mood if I want to haul it out and use it. It is a small one and makes one cup at a time.
I don't like most of the coffees around here like Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts or BK joe or anything like them. We like to get Gevalia, Caribou, or Teligencia. Sometimes we do get organic from Whole Foods.


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
Ugh, we have a Gevalia coffee maker that we got as a gift. The water fill hole was about 1" x 2" which is not conducive to early morning filling. I usually ended up with more water on the counter top than in the machine... It wasn't long before I switched back to our trusty Black and Decker. It's the best coffee maker I've ever owned!


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Yea I think that is a draw back to our Gevalia maker, you have to be so careful when pouring the water in it.


Well-known member
Single malts too? Most Scots add a few drops of H2O to "bring out" the flavor.

I've always drunk, drank, drinked it neat. I'm not Scot! Most of my bud's that do single malts religiously don't add any water either. I'm more of a Tequila guy.

This is new to me. A drop or two per ounce? I'll try a blind taste test at my next opportunity!


Active member
at with vanilla flavored cream please.

Starbucks... either a tall white mocha with no whip
or a tall skinny vanilla latte if I'm being good. :)


Resident Curmudgeon
Gold Site Supporter
Just a little cream no sugar. I start with the first cup @ 6AM or so. I'm usually looking around the forums 6:30 or so with the second cup. then a few more cups during the morning.


PS - here is a picture of the data center and one of our servers.


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Ni pedo
Site Supporter
at home... lots of powedered cream(or half and half) and sugar

tim hortons - large triple triple

dunkin donuts - light and sweet

starbucks - cafe latte - with sugar in the raw


Resident Curmudgeon
Gold Site Supporter
Jeez, talk about your spaghetti set up! :shock:

I'm retired now but I spent 45 years in telecommunications. This pic is a perfect example of poor planning. An overhead cable tray and a little advance thought on which device should be in what rack would have made this location easier to install and much easier to maintain.


Head Mistress
Gold Site Supporter
I have one of those machines that grinds the beans and then shoots them right into the I get really fresh taste each time.
Then I add a bit of fat free half and half and a couple of spoons of splenda.


The Invisible
Super Site Supporter
No sugar with coffee mate Italian sweet cream or coconut if they are out of that. pds, my starbucks is a white chocolate mocha frappucino, YUMMMMMMMMMM.


New member
Dark, strong, nothing NEAR it!!!!!
Not a fan of auto coffee pots, we use a Melita drip cone, boiling water, and an airpot. I drink a pot myself in the morning, then (DH works overnights) when I make DH his pot to take to work, there's one cup that doesn't fit in the thermos so I drink that after the kids are in bed.
I need a new espresso machine, mine broke. At work I drink 3 shot Americanos..... with about 1/2 cup of water in it.
Once in awhile I do like a latte with 2 extra shots and I have a good time squirting different flavorings into my cup.
I use a Mr. Coffee with a carafe, and feed it either Eight O'Clock original, Maxwell House Master Blend, or Folgers breakfast blend if I can't get either of those. Drink it black. I don't drink as much as I used to, may be 2 or 3 mugs in the morning. And I dislike Starbucks, McDonalds, and most other coffees I can buy out. Waffle House seems to be ok for the most part, if it's fresh.

Back in my Air Force days, as a young 2nd Lt, I was being mentored by a first sergeant from another organization. My first day, he took me over to the NCO club for coffee. The attendant asked him how he liked his coffee, and he responded, "I like it like I like my women - hot and black!!" (No, flames please, just quoting him.)

My line when the server asks if I want cream or sugar, is "Oh, I never spoil good coffee." One time, the waitress gave me a really funny look, and said, "What do you do if it's not good?" I responded, "Oh, that's OK, I never spoil bad coffee either." You think maybe she was trying to tell me about their coffee?
