Buzz's work vehicle?


Resident Curmudgeon
I found a few pics of Buzz's first work vehicle.

Notice the open cockpit for the pilot? That's so he stays awake!

More pics with story of restoration at Lost Aviators


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How fast could she go?

Is Kewl pronounced the same as when Cartman says it? lol

The A6 Intruder is an attack jet, not a fighter and we were limited to something like .98 mach. The strange thing is that because of the limitation the airspeed and mach indicators did not register beyond mach 1, the speed of sound. Just for the hell of it I took one up to 50,000' over south eastern Japan, rolled inverted, and pulled the nose straight down with full power on. Within seconds I experienced tuckunder (mach tuck). This is when a pressure wave builds up on the leading edge of the wing and prevents airflow over the wing thus preventing lift. Subsonic aircraft like the A6 are not designed for these speeds and basically what happens is that directional control is lost. This tends to put a very woozy feeling in the dumb pilot's belly. The remedy, naturally, is to slow down so I brought the PCLs (power control levers) to idle and extended the speed brakes. Once the plane decelerated below mach 1 I regained control and raised the nose up to level flight at around 15,000'. I have no idea how fast I was going but anywhere from mach 1.1 to 1.4 would not be out of the question. I probably broke a lot of Japanese windows that day.

Kids - don't try this at home. ;)