black berry brandy,blackberry vodka and sloe gin


Ni pedo
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to make all these is pretty much the same method it is only the fruit and the alcohol that changes

approximately 1 lb blackberries/ sloes washed
8 ounces caster sugar
1 litre cheap brandy/ vodka / gin (35 fl.oz.)(cheaper spirits do make the best infusions)

Divide the blackberries between 3 sterilized 500ml canning jars (16 oz jars)

Pour in the sugar, dividing it equally between the jars; divide and pour in the brandy.

Seal the jars tightly and shake them well.

Store in a cool, dark cupboard and shake every other day for a week, then shake once a week for two months; the brandy be then be ready to drink, but will keep improving if you can manage to leave it for longer!

When the brandy has steeped for at least two months, strain it off into a 1 litre bottle


Ni pedo
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sounds good but what's caster sugar?

Castor or caster sugar is the name of a very fine sugar in Britain.

If you don’t have any castor sugar on hand, you can make your own by grinding granulated sugar for a couple of minutes in a food processor (this also produces sugar dust, so let it settle for a few moments before opening the food processor)

it is superfine sugar, half way between regular white sugar and confectioners sugar