Best wishes please! {Update}

Incredible, just incredible! The man broke his limb, for heaven's sake!

Sending you both positive, healing thoughts and strength!

I am so angry. He apparently had a bad night Saturday and they called in a different psychiatrist in the middle of the night, who put him back on Ativan/benzos, which I and his other docs, including regular psych, don't want him on anymore due to the way they effect him, as well as way upped another med. Gen doc came in and told me about it yesterday a.m. He stopped the Ativan immediately and said he was going to note again in chart. However, that requires someone actually reading the chart. I'm thinking about putting a sign up in his room. I've got to get the other med issue taken care of today because I didn't notice it until I was looking at his med list last night.
Ativan isn't really that harsh of a drug, depending on the dosage.
I wonder if he would do better on something like klonopin?
Clearly he needs to be on something for anxiety and restlessness?
Good luck with his treatment and you need to have your voice heard loud and clear with his team of care givers.
He did pretty well today. I was there until almost 1 than had to come home to work. He was making conversation, though it didn't always make sense, with staff that were in and out of room. He got testy with me a couple of times because he was being insistent about calling somebody he had an appointment with today and I kept telling him he didn't have an appointment with anybody, that he's been in hospital for 3 weeks. Had to tell him to calm down several times, but he was able to. Hopefully, he did well rest of afternoon and into this evening. The very , very nice nurse's aide is there until 7:30 p.m. our time today, and she can get him to calm down because he likes her. All the staff kept remaking on how much better he was today.
It's good that the state of Florida has patient techs available to be there.
Nurse aides have pretty much been phased out in hospitals here as well as LPNs like myself.
I'm happy he had someone to calm him down.
Aides are good at that.
I know because I used to be one.
Craig is much better. He still gets confused at times, especially late afternoon/evening (similar to sundowning), but even that's getting better. Memory is getting better too. He's definitely much stronger, able to stand by himself, where he had to have 2 people minimal to moderate assist in the hospital. I weaned him off the psych med they sent him home on because by the time we got him settled the day he came home, I was already late to start work so didn't pick up his meds until the next day, meaning he didn't get his psych dose at night. He was much clearer the next day. Gave him the psych med the night I picked meds up, then day after he was more confused again, so I decided F that and weaned. Getting him off that has made so much difference. We discovered he's having a bit of trouble reading when he tried to get on computer, which took a lot of coaching and help, both actual reading and focusing with eyes, so I guess there is still some visual dysfunction, but at least the depth perception issues he had are gone or at least extremely minimal. Going to ortho today, so am hoping for more good news. It's been almost 7 weeks now.
Ah, Karen, while that is certainly much better news, very encouraging, I'm sure you are exhausted and just about spent!

Glad to hear that Craig is improving! I hope you have a support system to help keep you going and to take care of YOU!

Thank you for the update - we've been worried.

Saw ortho today. You can still see the fracture lines, and boy do they look scary, spiral fracture. But, he decided to leave him out of a cast and go to weight bear as tolerated with a rolling walker. Yea, not so much wheelchair wrangling now except out of house! He's got about a dime sized pressure sore on his heel though, so we need to work on getting that healed now.

Still gets confused though. He's so set on going back to work, but that involves wiring breathing air compressor control panels and putting machines together, and I'm not sure he's "there" enough to do that yet. He can sit on a rolling stool or in the wheelchair to do a lot of the wiring/building, but he's got to be there mentally. I need to start him on some cognitive exercises next.