Craig is much better. He still gets confused at times, especially late afternoon/evening (similar to sundowning), but even that's getting better. Memory is getting better too. He's definitely much stronger, able to stand by himself, where he had to have 2 people minimal to moderate assist in the hospital. I weaned him off the psych med they sent him home on because by the time we got him settled the day he came home, I was already late to start work so didn't pick up his meds until the next day, meaning he didn't get his psych dose at night. He was much clearer the next day. Gave him the psych med the night I picked meds up, then day after he was more confused again, so I decided F that and weaned. Getting him off that has made so much difference. We discovered he's having a bit of trouble reading when he tried to get on computer, which took a lot of coaching and help, both actual reading and focusing with eyes, so I guess there is still some visual dysfunction, but at least the depth perception issues he had are gone or at least extremely minimal. Going to ortho today, so am hoping for more good news. It's been almost 7 weeks now.