As one season ends.....


Head Mistress
So soon will end Rob Roy season:shock: I have a thing about not having Rob Roys or Manhattans before Thanksgiving...and then, only enjoying them until Easter.

On the other hand...Derby Day :tiphat: ushers in Mint Juleps!!! And Mojitos!! And VeraBluetinis!!! And Sidecars!! I've got a killer (actually, Lou has it...) recipe for a watermelon mojito

Anyone else drink seasonally???
Not exactly in the way you describe. I drink more hot drinks in winter and more cold drinks in the summer. lol
Know some folks from KY that take Derby Day and mint julips very seriously. The key is fresh picked mint. Then there's Derby pie but that is another thread.
March signals mango season and a mango margarita is pretty tough to beat.
I don't drink at all much, maybe one or two every few months.
I tried a mojito once, not bad but nearly knocked me off my feet, LOL!
I would love a recipe for a mint julep or the watermelon mojito... they sound good.
I also am not a drinker but do have a beer or rum and coke on occasion. Never could handle much more than that as I don't like being in control of my actions at all times.
I'll get that watermelon recipe from Lou....oddly enough, the only recipes he's interested are cocktail recipes!