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I love to garden, my son-in-law is building me a new fence this year! I can't wait. Do you know every year I try to plant something new?
I miss it. I had a 20' x 30' garden for just 2 of us.
It was therapy early mornings and at dusk.
Do you grow veggies and flowers?
My garden is about 10' x 50'. There's only 3 of us. I love going out there. I mostly veggie garden, but I do try my hand at flowers. Do you know I'm not too good at the flowers?
I had black holyhocks, Sonia Roses, forsythia, all kinds of bulbs, peonies, and a lilac bush, along with a couple of plum trees, and of course the apples-it was an apple orchard after all, all around the house. The smells and colors were heaven - aside from the veggies.
Boy, do you know how I miss that?
That sounds you know we have two apple trees but the deer get more apples than we do?

(it's ok, we like to feed them!)
heheh do you know our trees our only a few years old and ...we don't have eough apples yet for pies but I can make a great apple pie IF some one else makes the crust ?
Don't you know apple and peach our favorites around here but if someone offered me a lemon meringue or a chocolate cream I wouldn't say no either?
LOL........I know I've been weird all my life. Do you know that is one way of looking at it? See I'm leaving it all for everyone else.
I need to get out of the 300's!! Will you help me rack up posts??

Also I need to turn in my membership to the chunky butt club....a refund would be nice