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Do you think one of these would cause more gray hairs at this point in our lives?

Brody...the newest member of the family...


  • brody baskett.jpg
    brody baskett.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 86
Do you see his hands... do you know that they look EXACTLY like DAKS hands but other than that he doesn't look anything at all like MY BABY?
Do you know he was 9 pounds 4.5 ounces and 22 inches long, 10 days over due with long finger nails a pointy head and made me go through 32 hours of labour and then a c-section?
Do you know he'd crown and everyone would clap and jump up and down and say there's his head and get excited and then he'd go backwards?????
ya know the same thing happened to my SIL the first time and she ended up never trying naturally again w/ the other 2?
(couldnt blame her!!!!)
Do you know I don't blame here either...did she feel guilty for not being able to do it "RIGHT" you know I did for a long time?
do you know...I wish you could too....

Do you also know that we are trying to re-finance that house and the bank is here to see how much it's worth???