lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,901 Do you know it's nice being DONE? ( though, I miss him!!!)
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,902 dont you think i'll be too old to have any fun when i'm done?
lifesaver91958 Queen of the Jungle Apr 27, 2009 #6,903 Do you know that you are never too old to have fun?
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,907 NO isnt my head so full of old its squeezing out my hair follicles????
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,908 Do you think one of these would cause more gray hairs at this point in our lives? Brody...the newest member of the family... Attachments brody baskett.jpg 43 KB · Views: 86
Do you think one of these would cause more gray hairs at this point in our lives? Brody...the newest member of the family...
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,909 isnt it amazing how such a cute little bundle can make so much CrAzY?
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,910 Do you see his hands... do you know that they look EXACTLY like DAKS hands but other than that he doesn't look anything at all like MY BABY?
Do you see his hands... do you know that they look EXACTLY like DAKS hands but other than that he doesn't look anything at all like MY BABY?
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,914 Do you know he was 9 pounds 4.5 ounces and 22 inches long, 10 days over due with long finger nails a pointy head and made me go through 32 hours of labour and then a c-section?
Do you know he was 9 pounds 4.5 ounces and 22 inches long, 10 days over due with long finger nails a pointy head and made me go through 32 hours of labour and then a c-section?
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,916 goodness is there any wonder you didnt have more???? (I never had one over 7lb 4oz!)
Miniman Mini man - maxi food Apr 27, 2009 #6,917 Do you know that my eldest was five weeks early & 6lb 8oz.
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,919 of those was enough and don't ya know it was PAINFUL????
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,921 What drugs were you taking and why didn't they give them to me?
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,924 icky so they made you push and push and push and THEN went the easy way????
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,925 Do you know he'd crown and everyone would clap and jump up and down and say there's his head and get excited and then he'd go backwards?????
Do you know he'd crown and everyone would clap and jump up and down and say there's his head and get excited and then he'd go backwards?????
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,926 ya know the same thing happened to my SIL the first time and she ended up never trying naturally again w/ the other 2? (couldnt blame her!!!!)
ya know the same thing happened to my SIL the first time and she ended up never trying naturally again w/ the other 2? (couldnt blame her!!!!)
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,927 Do you know I don't blame here either...did she feel guilty for not being able to do it "RIGHT" you know I did for a long time?
Do you know I don't blame here either...did she feel guilty for not being able to do it "RIGHT" you know I did for a long time?
suziquzie New member Apr 27, 2009 #6,928 ya know i wish i could ask her again but i'm pretty sure she was just fine with that decision???
lilylove Active member Apr 27, 2009 #6,929 do you know...I wish you could too.... Do you also know that we are trying to re-finance that house and the bank is here to see how much it's worth???
do you know...I wish you could too.... Do you also know that we are trying to re-finance that house and the bank is here to see how much it's worth???