Answer a question with a question!

Do you know I never have either Lily....but am often tempted!!!??

Do you know Barb I'd say you are a crazy woman?? lol
Do you know I just remembered a grill pan I bought from QVC's websight and I love it, it has the glass panini lid....and my future MIL just bought me the cast iron dutch oven from them this Christmas??
I've got a green cast iron dutch oven, Paula Deen big chicken fryer, a grill pan, Temptations bakeware, etc, etc. is that bad?
Not at all......did you get in trouble??

Did I tell you that my sweetie just sent me the Rachel Ray cookware 10 pc set for my b-day?? :D
No I didn't get in trouble....I bought them from dh and ds for Christmas or my birthday.....wasn't that clever? lol

Yes, you did tell me about the RR do you like it?
Besides my dishwasher, lol, do you know I think it's my cast iron fry pan? I use it for everything. But I've got so much I really like.
My K AID mixer......and big fry pan...and rice cooker...and do you know its hard to choose??

But do you know my REAL weakness is cookbooks?? :D
Do we have to talk about cookbooks? :read: I probably have a couple hundred, plus cooking magazines. I read them like a novel especially my grandmothers older ones.
Do you know I have been doing that since Jr High and I use to get teased for it...but now all those people are always wanting me to cook for them...I guess they are eating their words...Literally!! LOL
Do you know I have many special ones but one in particular is a cookbook my mom had when she was first married and learning to cook and she has alot of written notes inside to what her and my dad liked and disliked......BTW...she died when I was three so it is kinda a inside look to the person she was....
That is the only one I have that belonged to family....but I have several from other families I bought on ebay and at libraries! lol

Where do you put yours? Do you display them?
I've got a ton on a shelf in my family room and a bunch more on a shelf in my kitchen. Also there are some on the shelf of my microwave cart. You know I really don't display them cuz they're not in the greatest condition. Do you display yours?
Someday I hope to have some kind of shelves built in the kitchen to put mine all together. Do you know I would have to knock out a wall or two to do it though? lol
do you know I have no wall I could knock down....they all go to something you know I would love to put in an island though??
Me too! Do you know if I knocked down the half wall between my kitchen and dining room I could have one and do away with the dining room that we hardly ever use?
do you know I have nothing seperating my dinning area and kitchen but I worry if I put an island it would make everything suddenly look cramped and tiny?? :(
I know if I put one in without knocking down the wall I wouldn't be able to move in my kitchen it's so small. Do you know I think I just need a bigger house?
sorry you know I didn't know you responded....but now I need to hit the hay??

Will you have a great night??