Answer a question with a question!

I find a lack of responsibility in a country requiring our children to do the things that I had to do. Shouldn't it be over? Do you know that we are going to have horrific incidents here at home in the near future and the administration has its head in the sand and we should be concentrating on these internal affairs? Do you think that I believe the government is not following the Constitution and they should redirect efforts to the people they claim to be representing? You probably think that I have a pessimistic view of our county's future, don't you? Actually, it's the other way around and it will happen when we are devastatingly shocked by terror and once again come together as a union and protect ourselves from the egomaniacs of the world. Have I put enough of my beliefs in the form of a question?
maybe....but you know I think MOST people have gone through or seen up close and personal something they never should have had to endure??
I find a lack of responsibility in a country requiring our children to do the things that I had to do. Shouldn't it be over? Do you know that we are going to have horrific incidents here at home in the near future and the administration has its head in the sand and we should be concentrating on these internal affairs? Do you think that I believe the government is not following the Constitution and they should redirect efforts to the people they claim to be representing? You probably think that I have a pessimistic view of our county's future, don't you? Actually, it's the other way around and it will happen when we are devastatingly shocked by terror and once again come together as a union and protect ourselves from the egomaniacs of the world. Have I put enough of my beliefs in the form of a question?

Do you know I completely agree and I think there are going to be some harsh realities soon??

And I thought you went to sleep??? ;)
Do you know buzz, I think you stated it most succinct? I totally agree about the lack of responsibility.....why should our children suffer for the ineptness of our government?
Do you know I don't want to be a political nightmare but I have seen way too much in my life to believe that the government has us in our own best interests? I believe that our virgin grandchildren are already screwed but a strong grass roots movement can do some good to help soften the financial blow. The money required to pay back the principal and interest on the upcoming new debt is the money that should but can't be used for future investment and our children's children will live in a poor economy caused by today's greed because they will have to service the debt. Do you know that the excess spending that got us into today's catastrophic economic collapse is being repeated by the borrowing in an equally catastrophic misplaced attempt to buy our way out of the mess by the same people who created the problem in the first place?
Don't you know that if I worked 10 out of 11 days all I would have were dirty clothes so are you not doing realllly realllly really well?