Answer a question with a question!

Did you know as a child I volunteered where my mom is at? Did you know one of my friends died this morning? (That is why I chose not to work there as a career--It is hard not to care and get attached.)
Did you know as a child I volunteered where my mom is at? Did you know one of my friends died this morning? (That is why I chose not to work there as a career--It is hard not to care and get attached.)

Do you know I'm sorry to hear that? Was it sudden?
Do you remember there was a lady who was hospitalized at the same time as my mom? Would you believe that we all thought she would bounce? Would you believe that I was buying her treats and encouraging her to eat, too?

(Well, that is the lady--I adored her--despite her dementia, she was very upbeat and positive most of the time. She called me, "baby" as I am the youngest by far adult child around there.
Ah that's too bad.
I was going to go up to see my mom today, but hospice called and said they were just there and she was napping. I've got bowling tonight so I'll go tomorrow. How's your mom doing today?
Would you believe that my mom is doing better than I thought she'd be? As I was sick and couldn't visit, would you believe how hard it was to judge by phone alone?

(She and I went for a long walk and took a rest and people watched for a while and then, I left her napping. She teased me that I was adopted--it is an old family joke and I couldn't believe she came up with that one!)
Do you know I'm happy to hear that? You know I used to tell my parents that I had to be adopted because I'm so different than everyone in my immediate family? I used to keep a list. lol
There are similarities arent' there? I don't remember if you've told me (which I'm sure you have) how old is your mother?
My mom will be 80 in April. Do you know my older brother is 2 years older, then me, dumb is 18 months younger and dumber is 5 years younger?
Do you know Heather is 14 years older than Andrew?
Would you believe that my mom lied about her age to my dad and for years we were off one year when we celebrated and that she only came clean when she was old enough to get social security? She was 14 months older than my dad and he thought it was only 2 months.