Another RIP


Resident Crone
A couple weeks ago I went ‘home’ to Michigan to see my aunt, who had just been moved to hospice. I spent 4 days with her, taking her everywhere she wanted to go. Her old church, old neighborhood, grade school, college, the hot dog place from her childhood days.

They let me take her out of the facility, as long as I carried an DNR and her medicine packets.

We went out to her favorite restaurants, saw old friends, and had a wonderful time. That was the last time she left the hospice. Other visitors were sitting with her and talking gently, but I sprung her loose to do what she wanted. She drank manhattans and hummers, called her cousins in Ireland, ate many desserts. She told me that it was the most wonderful week of her life, and that she’d always remember it.

She died last night, pain free, in hospice. Here are the last pics I have of that weekend.


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