Advice on an herb garden

Well, its in. I decided on Arugala (always wanted to try it), Dill-just the smell of it was a good enough reason, sweet basil and I also put some chives into a large pot on the deck.

Thanks one and all for your tips, advice and suggestions. I will keep you updated as the season progresses!!
By the way Bob chives will grow almost year around, the stuff defies the cold or hot weather. Really amazing to me since I have a large pot filled with it since I came to Kentucky 5 years ago and it is still going strong. It sits in my back yard with no protection and little water.
By the way Bob chives will grow almost year around, the stuff defies the cold or hot weather. Really amazing to me since I have a large pot filled with it since I came to Kentucky 5 years ago and it is still going strong. It sits in my back yard with no protection and little water.

I'm guessing our winters are a bit harsher up here Joe-maybe I'll bring it in during the cold months.
It wouldn't hurt though to bring them in during the winter though I don't bother with mine as it would hurt. My back would hurt from lifting the pot they are in.
Time to plant garlic all you herb-i-vores. If your local garden center does not carry it this time of year, buy the garlic in the organic produce section. It is not treated with an anti sprouting agent.
They should do just fine in pots as long as they are big enough. I'd go with at least 8" and the deeper the better.
Lee, I would use a 16" pot and plant at least 5 cloves in it. Garlic is quite cold hardy so it should survive your winter. Soil can dry out during the winter, keep a watch on that.
