Actually my grand parents wouldn't hesitate to spank and I never had a problem with it with my kids. I sure don't consider them anything but loving parents. Now this doesn't mean beat the hell out of one kids but I see nothing wrong with a slap on the ass for young kids or a slap on the hand when a child touches something he/she shouldn't. With that said as they get older it shouldn't be required as by the time they are 7 or 8 they should already have a pretty good idea of the boundaries. In all honesty I don't think I spanked any of my kids but about once in their lives and my wife only got on my daughter once. It wasn't needed as I would just have to look at them and they settled down when they started getting out of line. In many ways I think that is why the kids today are so badly behaved in many ways as well as no responsibility. I learned if you screw up it will hurt the same as laws, screw up and pay the price. Respect is just another word for fear in my opinion.
With that said my father only hit me once in my whole life, probably due to the fact he was never around me until I was almost grown. The one time he did I was 15 years old and he caught me skipping school, but he used his belt for about 3 lashes across the ass, not a beating by any stretch. My mother on the other hand would pick up a frying pan, butcher knife, base ball bat or what ever was in reach and go after me for something as simple as looking in her direction at the wrong time or a simple laugh and making too much noise. Now she gave me beating which is a lot different than a spanking if you understand my drift here.
Now take in mind a side from an absent father, I had an evil mother with no love for me in her heart at all. I can't remember a single gift, card or hug at anytime in my life from her. I did have very loving grandparents so it helped me through spending 3 years of you youth in the hospital with my face crushed to surviving the rest of my childhood. Due to this I've been able to survive the death of a 31 year old daughter and taking in her 3 children. Life is what you make it as in my opinion you are dealt a hand and it is your choice to play it out or fold. I choose to play what I'm dealt and not feel sorry for myself regardless of what happens. I simply smile and bare it then move on. I've just learned to enjoy the good things in my life as it won't last forever.