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  1. PanchoHambre

    What's Cooking NCT Sun 01/05/2014 to Sat 1/11/2014 Baby It's Cold Outside

    Cold for most of the continental US right now anyway time to bake some bread and make some soup for me turkey/veg soup made from home made stock and no knead bread
  2. PanchoHambre

    PanchoHambre's Leftover Arancini (rice balls)

    tonight was leftover makeover favorite - arancini de riso leftover risotto, stuffed with some extra holiday cheese (brie) and extra ham (pan fried in butter)
  3. PanchoHambre

    Help! Upside down cake?

    I love to both make and eat upside down cakes - the spring form pan seems to be a miracle BUT I have a hard time getting a good release from the bottom/top. The fruit "topping" always ends up sticking and ruining the integrity of my cakes. They taste good but look way too rustic for weddings...
  4. PanchoHambre

    Thai Curry in a can

    possibly this should go in the frugal cooking forum this weekend i paid a visit to the Asian grocery nearby to "pick up a couple things" I rely on them for reasonable seafood, quality soy sauce, and these tasty frozen dumplings. In general my cooking veers towards the Western and South American...
  5. PanchoHambre


    I LOVE artichokes - except i have no idea how to use them - always a big part of family holiday meals but not a general part of the menu I am lost - canned/jarred hearts are easy to use but the whole bud I am left lost. Looked up recipes on line, some boil, some sald and soak some remove the...
  6. PanchoHambre


    This did not turn out well - totally outside my own familiar zone - I got a few things wrong - next time i will use better vinegar and maybe mix with wine - also perhaps not cook it in the pickle - i think this was the big mistake here. It was just too sour - and I LOVE sour, also I did not use...
  7. PanchoHambre

    Historic Cookbooks and Recipes

    I am always fascinated by old things:tiphat: and a bit of a history buff. In particular I have found myself endlessly entertained by old cookbooks after finding a few in a used bookstore - recipes from the times when everything was boiled in "just enough" butter and squirrel and woodcock took a...
  8. PanchoHambre

    Office Chili Cook-off redux

    It's that time of year again! Friday is the office chili cook-off and I want to knock em dead. My last efforts have failed for being too hot (I work with wusses who think ketchup is hot and cornbread should be sticky sweet) so I am going to try to do something more mass appeal this year what I...
  9. PanchoHambre

    Girl Scout Cookies

    I cant walk past kids camped out outside the local convenience store and girl scout cookies have that irresistible nostalgia appeal but I really wish they could drop the corn syrup and trans-fats It sends a really bad message IMO. I know that the kids are not going to bake the cookies or...
  10. PanchoHambre

    Arancini de Riso - Stuffed Risotto Balls

    a great way to use up leftover risotto fry some bacon in a heavy bottom skillet while bacon is frying set up three dishes with flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs chop crispy bacon into bits, reserve half, leave residual bacon grease in pan form balls of rice in the palm of your hand filling...
  11. PanchoHambre

    howdy folks

    its been awhile I have missed you guys but have not checked in in honestly the one thing i have not been doing lately is cooking. But heres an update. I have been sucked in by local drama by joining my long time adversaries on the neighborhood zoning committee and been elected to the board of...
  12. PanchoHambre

    Coops CSAs Buying Clubs etc

    Anybody have any experience with a buying club or a local food coop or CSA. Wondering what your experiences/thoughts on these things are. I have never joined the CSA because its too much commitment for me and I can get most of the stuff at the farmer market anyway without the commitment. The...
  13. PanchoHambre

    Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

    Great fall color pics Dee we don't have it here yet. Ralph great stuff I have not been across the pond for way too long but spent alot of time over there as a youngun (grandparents lived outside London for a time and Dad's main client was Lloyds)
  14. PanchoHambre

    Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

    Haha Kimchee. My cat likes to cuddle with my 100lb pit mastiff and groom/fight/play with my crazy Chihuahua mix.. of course she was first and is meaner so she keeps the boys in their place.
  15. PanchoHambre

    Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

    Really BT you kill me:dizzy: So which one is yours:sorry:
  16. PanchoHambre

    Random Picture Thread - Part Deux

    Kitty rocks and I am not a cat person but I got a good one Kick A$$ bike Jay.... some of my aficionado neighbors would be impressed. Great work Man Love the houseboat pic Doc
  17. PanchoHambre

    gas grill cleaning tips

    Score one for Panch and the block.... the nouveau-riche plumber that just built the mega-house down the block decided to chuck his one season old gas grill because they are too darn lazy to clean it and "its not a good one" fortunately my buddy and I got it before the scrappers did so now we...
  18. PanchoHambre

    Smoker Advice

    My birthday gift to myself this year is gonna be a smoker. My intention is to buy the cheap Brinkman job. Research tells me its not really well made and a b*tch to assemble but does a decent job. I am ok with that as I am not looking to spend a lot of cash and do not need something that does...
  19. PanchoHambre

    How's you garden doing midsummer?

    Earlier I posted on my spring massacre where I fried the majority of my starts so this is an update on the survivors/additions Here on the East Coast we have had a brutally hot summer. Dry in the start but we have been getting periodic heavy rains which has helped. I have limited space being...