I think it’s grazing night here. Nancy is making cookies - sugar cookies, chocolate chip, and peanut butter. I had kolaches from the freezer and four raw oysters. I’ll save cookies for later.
The docent at the the Astoria Maritime Museum steered us to a good restaurant and weren’t disappointed. It was in an old Columbia River waterfront warehouse close to the 101 bridge and food was very good. I had the chowder and halibut and chips.
The museum was very good but needed more time. The docent steered us to a good restaurant and weren’t disappointed. I had the chowder and halibut and chips. We stopped at Goose Point and got my Christmas oysters, a half gallon.
After Nancy gets back from gym we are going to drive to Astoria, OR to maritime museum then over to Long Beach, WA to eat, buy oysters, and maybe more cranberries. It will be a long day.
Last night Nancy made an unusual dish that came out okay. She had two jars of pork broth that didn’t seal after processing. She cooked quinoa, celery, and onions with the broth which had bits of pork in it. I’m not sure what the herbs were. It was a healthy meal, as it was.