Trivia 3/7


Grill Master
Trivia 3/7


Antarctica is the 5th largest continent and is roughly the size of Australia. However, it doesn't have a capital city or an official language, and no country controls it.

1. By what nickname was jazz musician Ferdinand Joseph La Menthe Morton better known?

2. What is the more common name for leaf cabbage?

a. - Spinach

b. - Kale

c. - Lettuce

d. - Romaine

3. Business magnate Harry Selfridge is known for his statement "The customer is always right." What words complete that statement?

a. - Top to bottom

b. - In matters of taste

c. - Always and forever

d. - Until the end of time

4. The fifteenth U.S. president, James Buchanan, was an ardent expansionist and attempted to buy what Spanish possession and bring it into the United States while Secretary of State?

a. - Puerto Rico

b. - Philippines

c. - Cuba

d. - Bermuda

5. What popular celebrity chef and television host in the Food Network also published her own magazine, "Every Day With ______"?

6. What is the only Central American country that borders a country in South America?

7. This type of pasta is commonly known as "Bow-tie"; What is its more formal name ?

8. What does a snowflake need, other than water molecules and frigid temperatures, in order to start forming and fall to earth?

a. - Dirt

b. - Pollen

c. - Either

d. - Neither


"Ephemera", singular "ephemeron", is a Greek word which means something that is useless, but you save it anyway.





















1. Jelly Roll

2. - b

3. - b

4. - c

5. Rachael Ray

6. Panama

7. Farfalle

8. - c


"Ephemera", singular "ephemeron", is a Greek word which means something that lasts only one day.