Trivia 3/6


Grill Master
Trivia 3/6


"You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take." - Wayne Gretzky

1. What type of gun was used by Clint Eastwood in "Dirty Harry"?

2. Whom did Queen Victoria marry?

3. Who said, "Smile you are on 'Candid Camera'?"

4. Which killer insect has been moving north from Brazil since 1957?

5. Fill in the Blank ;

Arctic ______ is characterized by flat, treeless, frozen ground .

6. What is the Capital of Chile ?

7. Which group of animals are invertebrates that have exoskeletons, segmented bodies, and jointed limbs?

a. - Gastropods

b. - Arthropods

c. - Cephalopods

d. - Tripods

8. A palmetto bug most closely matches which insect?

a. - Ant

b. - Cockroach

c. - Butterfly

d. - Hornet


The English word "hierarchy" originally referred to Royalty.





















1. - .44 Magnum

2. Prince Albert

3. Allen Funt

4. Africanized honey bees

5. Tundra

6. Santiago

7. - b

8. - b


Etymologists suggest that the word "hierarchy" was first used in the mid-1700s to describe different ranks of the celestial order of angels. This traditional hierarchy, from lowest to highest, is angels, archangels, principalities, powers, virtues, dominions, thrones, cherubim, and seraphim. The word "hierarchy" comes to us from the Greek word "hierarchēs". That word was formed by combining "hiero" (holy, or supernatural), and "archos" (ruler). Over the years, the word has moved from just referring to the ranks of angels to the modern usage with almost any type of graded classification system.