Cooking Show Pet Peeves


I hate it when they use the business end of the knife to scrape a cutting board. I just saw Giada do it, but have seen it way to often by others. I use the back side of the knife so I don't dull my knife.


New member
Note to self: If Lefty comes over for dinner, turn knife over before scraping food off of cutting board :unsure:


Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
I hate when they don't wash their hands, use their fingers instead of a spoon to taste and double dip. I also hate when they use the same cutting board for vegetables and meats. I hate it when they don't take their jewelry off to cook, too.

Sass Muffin

Coffee Queen ☕🩺
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I hate it when Rachel Ray piles all the ingredients into her arms for one short trip to the cooking area.
Go back and make several trips if need be, for God's sakes!:yum:

Mr. Green Jeans

New member
Just show the damned labels of the food products! We all know what they are anyway. Reminds me of the generic kick that lasted oh, 3 months back in the early 80's.


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
I can agree with most of these. They are cooking shows, they have plenty of time to practice ahead of time and be ready, no excuse for being slopping or doing things off the cuff unless something unexpected happens.
I can see some of this in the heat of Kitchen Stadium, just not in cooking shows. Except the jewelery... never see em wearing tons of jewelery in Kitchen Stadium either! LOL.


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Everything that cooks in the pot or pan and goes well beyond 160 degrees, so the double dipping and finger thing is moot. I'll often taste my soups and stews twice with the same spoon after seasoning, and then cook the hell out of it. Please remember the guidelines of cooking and that all things except Mad Cow Disease (a protein disorder - not bacterial, can't be killed by heat) is killed at 160 and above.

Speaking from the sanitary point, there is no problem. Not to mention Mom fingered our food three ways from Sunday as we grew up…..and we’re still here aren’t we?
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Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Ever tried explaining Mad Cow Disease to an 8 year old? No son, they aren't upset or angry... well maybe a little at the idea of being chopped up and eaten... but that isn't what this is...LOL!


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Ever tried explaining Mad Cow Disease to an 8 year old? No son, they aren't upset or angry... well maybe a little at the idea of being chopped up and eaten... but that isn't what this is...LOL!


Ever tried explaining MCD to an Engineer? No? It’s like this……..What happens is a molecular folding that is not planned materializes and is geometrically set to fit into the toxin box. When proteins fold, they form a shape that allows them to fit a “box” and perform a function, much like a glass fuse fits a hole for a fuse box, but MCD causes a misfolding which disallows regular fitting (positive movement/growth) but does allow it to fit an unintentional box thus leading to……well, you get the drift. A bit dry, but…….ah hell……it’s just a bit dry! :yum:


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Yea, let me repeat that to my son and see how it goes over...:glare:

Something like, "Forget it Dad you're just playing with me now... why don't you just admit you don't know..."

What gave me away??:yum::yum:


New member
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Yea, let me repeat that to my son and see how it goes over...:glare:

Something like, "Forget it Dad you're just playing with me now... why don't you just admit you don't know..."

What gave me away??:yum::yum:


Interestingly enough, protein folding IS the precursor to actually reigning in nano-bots and nano technology. All that sci-fi you see is based on some truth, with liberties taken. But, should we master protein folding, well good Lord, things will change! Lizards regrow tails because of protein cues…….what if we found the protein switch to unlock regrowth??? Imagine all the people that could have a new set of choppers just by going to the dentist and getting the right injection. Crazy! It’s definitely possible based on the DNA and folding maps they have hinted at……but still a long way off.


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter

Interestingly enough, protein folding IS the precursor to actually reigning in nano-bots and nano technology. All that sci-fi you see is based on some truth, with liberties taken. But, should we master protein folding, well good Lord, things will change! Lizards regrow tails because of protein cues…….what if we found the protein switch to unlock regrowth??? Imagine all the people that could have a new set of choppers just by going to the dentist and getting the right injection. Crazy! It’s definitely possible based on the DNA and folding maps they have hinted at……but still a long way off.

Yea, but what about all that negetive stuff that happened on Star Trek with genetic manipulation and what not?? The nano bots that took over Enterprise and started their own race of sentient beings... the super humans and how it messed with the Klingons.....
Scary stuff dude, especially if you are a Romulan Senator and you disagree with a certain Reman dictator with a metagenic weapon!!


New member
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Yea, but what about all that negetive stuff that happened on Star Trek with genetic manipulation and what not?? The nano bots that took over Enterprise and started their own race of sentient beings... the super humans and how it messed with the Klingons.....
Scary stuff dude, especially if you are a Romulan Senator and you disagree with a certain Reman dictator with a metagenic weapon!!

You actually went a bit over my head with that! I like the old Star Trek, but stopped shortly after that. :yum:

The idea is, Polio used to cripple and even kill us, but the right injection fixed that. Now, it could be possible that the right injections (via proper protein folding) could fix and trigger repairing lost limbs and teeth…..if not more. Not doing anything “extra”, just turning ON some machines that are coded and there, but have been marked for OFF for so long. It’s like reading a schematic and seeing a toggle switch and going OH, we could turn that on and fix the North Point.


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
Sorry, Star Trek Enterprise... remember in the original Klingons were just big bad versions of us. Then in TNG they looked way different? They explain that with genetics and a genetic disease in Enterprise.


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Sorry, Star Trek Enterprise... remember in the original Klingons were just big bad versions of us. Then in TNG they looked way different? They explain that with genetics and a genetic disease in Enterprise.

Actaully, I didn't see that one, but will check Netflix and Amazon. Seems I missed some good story!!! Thanks!


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
It is a TV series, don't think Netflix has it, not that I saw last anyway. Wish they did, missed a lot of it.
The even had Dr. Soong in there... Data's creator. He created Khan and his people from Star Trek II, then gave up and switched to making androids...IE Data.


New member
Not to mention Mom fingered our food three ways from Sunday as we grew up…..

MY mom didn't go backstage to scratch her butt and smoke a ciggy during the commercial break though. :unsure:



New member
Gold Site Supporter
Not to mention Mom fingered our food three ways from Sunday as we grew up…..

MY mom didn't go backstage to scratch her butt and smoke a ciggy during the commercial break though. :unsure:


You're crazy, you know that? :yum: :thumb:


Stewed Monkey
Super Site Supporter
My dad always had a cigarette in his hand when he was cooking.. I wonder how many ashes we ate growing up?:sick:

I never ever, when I smoked, did so while cooking!


Dough Boy
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By virtue of the fact that we are all here having this discussion, we, once again, are majoring in minor things when it comes to sanitation perfection in cooking/baking. All of our ancestors did all the horrible things that some some of us have come to "HATE" when we see it on TV. Do you "HATE" your Mother? Do you "HATE" your Grandmother or Great Grandmother? Do you "HATE" your Aunt Lucy (the one who uses too much mascara and drinks a bit too much)? Of course you don't, and you shouldn't "HATE" Giada, Paula, Bobby, Pete or Re-Pete, or Bubba or any of them. They do the same things our ancestors did, and if truth be told, each and every one of us is, or has been, guilty of all these "infractions" at one time or another. Aside from not washing your hands after using the bathroom, these other infractions are getting your undies in a bunch over nothing. Be like me...I stopped wearing undies so they wouldn't get in a bunch and make me an angry person. :lol:

BTW, we should be careful with our words, especially the strong ones...

Hate \Hate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Hated; p. pr. & pr. & vb. n. Hating.]

[OE. haten, hatien, AS. hatian; akin to OS. hatan, hat?n to be hostile to, D. haten to hate, OHG. hazz?n, hazz?n, G. hassen, Icel. & Sw. hata, Dan. hade, Goth. hatan, hatian. ???. Cf. Hate, n., Heinous.]

1. To have a great aversion to, with a strong desire that evil should befall the person toward whom the feeling is directed; to dislike intensely; to detest; as, to hate one's enemies; to hate hypocrisy.
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer. --1 John iii. 15.
2. To be very unwilling; followed by an infinitive, or a substantive clause with that; as, to hate to get into debt; to hate that anything should be wasted.
I hate that he should linger here. --Tennyson.
3. (Script.) To love less, relatively. --Luke xiv. 26.
Syn: To Hate, Abhor, Detest, Abominate, Loathe.
Usage: Hate is the generic word, and implies that one is inflamed with extreme dislike. We abhor what is deeply repugnant to our sensibilities or feelings. We detest what contradicts so utterly our principles and moral sentiments that we feel bound to lift up our voice against it. What we abominate does equal violence to our moral and religious sentiments. What we loathe is offensive to our own nature, and excites unmingled disgust. Our Savior is said to have hated the deeds of the Nicolaitanes; his language shows that he loathed the lukewarmness of the Laodiceans; he detested the hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees; he abhorred the suggestions of the tempter in the wilderness.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913)