Shallots! (And how I use them)


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If you start reading a lot of the recipes that I post from my job, you'll notice that I use shallots in just about all of them. I love the taste! They add a level of flavor that you don't normally see in home-cooked foods (at least around here). I will occasionally even use shallots at home, although I usually make do with onions.

In flavor, shallots are milder then onions, with a hint of garlic. The "bulb" is more like a clove of garlic, and sometimes has split into two "cloves". The clove is usually wrapped in a reddish-brown papery layer like an onion.

Where I work, we get them in a gallon jug, pre-peeled and ready to go, sort of. But, I still have to cut off the root end.

For home prep, I find it easiest NOT to treat shallots like you would an onion (slicing in half, then slicing, but leaving the root intact, then dicing). I go ahead and cut the shallot in half, top to bottom. Lay the cut side down, and slice off the root end, and the tip. Peel off the papery layer(s). Finally, rotate the shallot so that it is aligned with the top or bottom facing you. With a controlled chopping stroke, cut the shallot into strips (julienne). The layers will separate out.

For the bulk of what I do, this is enough. Occasionally, though, I will need them minced. Just take the julienned strips, and rotate them so they are laying left-to-right. Using the same cutting motion as above, cut across the strips.

Remember, this is small stuff here. Control is your goal, not speed. You don't want to tag a fingertip, as like raw garlic and onions, the juices will STING in a cut.


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I always have shallots in my house as I love them also in a lot of the things I make. For example when I do mushrooms for steak toppings. I sauté the shallots in oil and clarified butter, add the mushrooms balsamic vinegar, red wine, tarragon and thyme. I reduce the liquid down if there is any left by the time the mushrooms are done. My wife and I both love them this way.

I also keep red, white, yellow onions, scallions, fresh garlic and ginger all the time. Occasionally I can get Vidalia and Maui onions but not year round.


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I haven't seen them here yet but this is about the time of year we start to see them. The Maui are harder to find. My wife used to work in a place called Fedora's in Miami. It was a high end version of TGIF's which at the time they also owned. They used to fry Maui onions shaped like petals and served them with balsamic vinegar. Those things where great and one of the best fried onion I've had to date.


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
I used some last night in my beef tips. The little buggars have a long shelf life too!


Mini man - maxi food
Gold Site Supporter
I like using shallots as well, but DW says they are too small and too much hassle.


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Here is the way I like to slice the, with a Chinese vegetable cleaver. I some times dice them as well.


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Tortes Are Us
Super Site Supporter
When I use to make Italian penne and vodka sauce I always used shallots.

Most my catering buddies and chefs preferred shallots as well.


New member
If only they weren't so damn expensive!! I do use them in plenty of dishes, but I tend to pick and choose which ones.



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We get them here in big bins so I can pick my own. They always seem to have them also. I get them at the local Miejer's or Kroger's as both sell them that way.


Potato peeler
Super Site Supporter
We get them here in big bins so I can pick my own. They always seem to have them also. I get them at the local Miejer's or Kroger's as both sell them that way.

LOL! In my store they are individually wrapped and sold by the package!


New member
LOL! In my store they are individually wrapped and sold by the package!

Mine too, but I've been known to take them out of the package to pick the better ones and let them weigh them at the checkout. I figure I'm paying for them and I want the best ones. lol



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I love the fact I don't have to buy in pre packaged sizes. I simply pick the ones I want like you pick melons, bag them and weigh them and done.