Electric Deep Fryer - Who owns One?


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Yeah, that's the one that I plan to get. The one whose pic I posted at the top of the previous page. I also saw it in their catalog that I just got the other day. Wasn't going to get one at all, but that one caught my eye!

Thanks anyway.


New member
I have waring pro just like you one you have on the picture. Everything was fine until the cable stoped cabling. It has this magnetic plug on the fryer end and it just doesn't wan't to stay in.


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You mean the cord?

I believe that's a safety feature designed to prevent the unit from being knocked over and spilling the hot oil on someone, should the cord be acidentally pulled. My Presto Options Multi Cooker has that.

Have you tried moving the unit closer to the outlet to ease some of the tension on the cord?


New member
Yes, I did mean cord. And yes I know it is safety feture. And yes the unit used to seat right next to the outlet, so there was never any tention. Some times I hate them darn safety fetures. But I can't blame companies, there are some idiots that will go and put hot coffee between their legs you know.


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I don't have it yet, but I'm planning to order it next week.

So, is the unit still working otherwise? Is it just the safety cord that's the issue? Yeah, they CAN be a pain in the butt! I'm surprised that my Presto electric griddle doesn't have that type of cord.


New member
Well, it probably would be working if the cord was working, but there is no contact. For a while it would work if I held the cord by hand, but then even that did not work. I was thinking replacing the original cord with hard wired type, but never got around to do it. It's seating in my garage now.


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Is it still under warranty? Because doing this voids it, unless you just don't care and want to modify it that way anyway.

Don't remember reading about the one that I'm getting as having that type of cord.


New member
No, it's not, it stopped working soon after warranty ran out and now it's been seating in the garage for couple of years and I am using good old aluminum pot with basket insert for deep frying, that I picked up at my local restaurant supply store.


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Why not just buy a new one?

But thats like me. I DO have an Options Multi Cooker which also deep fries, but I think I like the feel and look of a professional-type restuarant-look deep fryer on the counrtop.


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Well, couple of reasons. First of all I do not have spear $40 bucks right now, to be honest. Second I have a bigger, semi commercial fryer that I use if I have a big crowd. Third I found that the pot I have works really well, actually better than fryer it self. The last I can fix the darn thing and I’m sure it will work as good as new.
Hm, that’s more than a couple.:smile:


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I just ordered the deep fryer, along with a small plastic cutting board.

Forgot to do it on Wednesday because I was so busy doing other things! It should arrive in about two weeks.


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The deep fryer is on it's way! It was sent out to me yesterday.
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I got my new deep fryer now! had to go pick it up, but I got it.

CharlieD, my unit also has that break-away power cord.
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I got my new deep fryer now! had to go pick it up, but I got it.

CharlieD, my unit also has that break-away power cord.

My Presto also has the break way cord but I've never had a problem with it. I've owned it a few years now.

Fisher's Mom

Mother Superior
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I think the break away cord is required by law. Only vintage models don't have that feature.


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Yeah, looks like it is. Also, the cords are so short. All to discourage and keep small children from getting at them.


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Yes you sure don't want to see a child pull a pot of hot oil on themselves. When I was in Duke due to my accident as a kid. There was a 6 year old girl down the hall from me. Now I was blind at the time so couldn't see her but sure remember her screams when they came in to treat her several times a day.

I was told she had pulled a large pan of hot oil onto herself giving her 3 degree burns over much of her head and upper body. She survived but was in serious condition for a long time.


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It must have been as she screamed bloody murder about 6 times a day & night as they treated her burns. I never did see her but sure felt for her. At that time about the only real effective pain killers was opium based and if you scream on that it has to be bad. They had me on morphine for about 6 months and took a month to come down from it too.


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I was once burned my left hand, while trying to flip an omlette.

I was jerking the pan toward me to get it flipped, and in so doing, hot oil had splashed out on my hand!


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You need to watch some of the videos on making omelets Sherm. The only people I've ever seen flip anything in a pan are showoff chefs. No flipping with a folded omelet as I use a spatula to fold, while a the flat Spanish or a frittata type, I use a plate to flip them. Never had the eye hand coordination to flip stuff in a pan. :wink:


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But back to deep frying, I plan to try out the unit tomorrow. Might make some French fries with it.


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But back to deep frying, I plan to try out the unit tomorrow. Might make some French fries with it.

Yeah, then try some buffalo wings :wub:, and some fried catfish :wub:, and some pork chops :wub:.....................


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Or shrimp, fried okra, onion rings etc. If you are doing French fries and want them crisp here is a tip. Do them from fresh potatoes then rinse and soak in a bowl of water for at least 10 minutes (up to overnight). Now remove from water and dry thoroughly. Blanche - fry in 320° - 330° oil just until fries turn white then remove from oil and allow to cool for at least 10 minutes (up to a couple hours). Now simply re-fry until they turn golden brown at 360° - 375° and remove from heat, place on paper towels to absorb any remaining oil season as soon as out of oil. Makes perfect French fries every time.


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There IS a recipe in the instruction manual for deep fried Buffalo wings.