Do you eat veal?


New member
I love veal! I always order Osso Buco if it's on the menu, but I don't make it at home. Made a stuffed veal breast from a recipe in the L.A Times around 1968 -- smelled like heaven, but had no meat! Wife concluded that veal sucks, and now she's all PC about the subject. Damn communists!


Dough Boy
Site Supporter
Most PETA activists are simply hypocritical people with too much time on their hands. They are also people who have never know true hunger. I'm talking not having ANY food for days in a row, much less their precious tofu, yogurt and other manufactured foods. I would like to take the top 100 people in the PETA hierarchy and do an inventory on their possessions in order to expose their hypocrisy. Shoes, belts, cosmetics, vehicle seats, purses, wallets, dominatrix outfits (I'm sure there are at least one or two in that group, just based on the amount of anger in their lives), and anything else associated with the life or death of farm and domesticated animals. IMO, they are right there with the global warming wackos when it comes to extremism. This is what happens when there is no lifeguard at the gene pool.


New member
Gold Site Supporter
I agree with you on the PETA crowd but global climate change is happening just look around but then that is another subject. Extremism is rampant on all sides of any issue just look at how extreme you can be from time to time.


New member
It is my observation that Joe V is as adamant about his politics as you are about your chicken, Joe.


HSUS is another one. If you want to help pets, help your local shelter, not someone who manages to put only 12% of the money donated into their bank account. The rest is kept by the fund raisers. Those tug your heartstrings commercials drive me crazy.


New member
Gold Site Supporter
It is my observation that Joe V is as adamant about his politics as you are about your chicken, Joe.


HSUS is another one. If you want to help pets, help your local shelter, not someone who manages to put only 12% of the money donated into their bank account. The rest is kept by the fund raisers. Those tug your heartstrings commercials drive me crazy.

Yes but not eating chicken is a personal choice for me, one which I don't try to force on others including my own family which does by the way CH. I've also never called people stupid, ignorant or inferior for doing so. :wink:

All of my cats and dog are adopted with only the dog coming from a shelter. I don't support any of these groups from save the children to save pets. In my travels I see starvation up close and it isn't pretty in both people and animals.


New member
Most PETA activists are simply hypocritical people with too much time on their hands. They are also people who have never know true hunger. I'm talking not having ANY food for days in a row, much less their precious tofu, yogurt and other manufactured foods. I would like to take the top 100 people in the PETA hierarchy and do an inventory on their possessions in order to expose their hypocrisy. Shoes, belts, cosmetics, vehicle seats, purses, wallets, dominatrix outfits (I'm sure there are at least one or two in that group, just based on the amount of anger in their lives), and anything else associated with the life or death of farm and domesticated animals. IMO, they are right there with the global warming wackos when it comes to extremism. This is what happens when there is no lifeguard at the gene pool.

I find that inflammatory comments are not meant to convey any sort of meaningful message but to incite an emotional response, especially when those comments are devoid of fact. Well done.