Help me grill the corn!


New member
Sorry if this is a repeat thread.... and I know half of you told me how in some other alternate cyber-universe kitchen......

But can you tell me the best way to grill corn on the cob?
I think someone told me peel, de-silk, soak, put back husk, grill.....

Or maybe not soak?


I usually peel my corn, butter it and wrap in foil. I have heard you can soak it husk and all in salt water and grill in indirect heat.


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I do it in the husk all the time. In fact, I’m doing it tonight.

Personally, I don’t de-silk it. I just soak it, husk and all, in water for 30+ minutes, then put it on the grill over low to medium heat for about 25 minutes, turning it every 6-8 minutes.

When you do it this way, the silk just……disappears. I’ve never had to de-silk nor had any problem with the silk when I do it this way. It’s kind of magical! :lol:

If you’re worried though, then you can peel the husk down but don’t break it off. Clean it, wash it, push the husk back in place, then soak it for 30+ minutes and then grill for 25+ minutes.

The husk should look ice and dark brown all over when it’s done.


New member
I do it in the husk all the time. In fact, I’m doing it tonight.

Personally, I don’t de-silk it. I just soak it, husk and all, in water for 30+ minutes, then put it on the grill over low to medium heat for about 25 minutes, turning it every 6-8 minutes.

When you do it this way, the silk just……disappears. I’ve never had to de-silk nor had any problem with the silk when I do it this way. It’s kind of magical!

If you’re worried though, then you can peel the husk down but don’t break it off. Clean it, wash it, push the husk back in place, then soak it for 30+ minutes and then grill for 25+ minutes.

The husk should look ice and dark brown all over when it’s done.

That's exactly how I do mine!!


New member
Ditto Keltin and Homecook except I don't soak. I just put it on as is and never had a problem. I also rip off that tuft of silk on top, it's going to burn anyway.
Or.... you could husk it and put it directly on the grill and baste with seasoned butter, but this way is trickier and can lead to flare ups and/or dry corn.

High Cheese

I mostly use foil unless I'm feeling like I want some sort of presentation, then I'll leave the husk on. Try seasoning with parmesan and thyme.


New member
Yeah, it's rough to do it that way if you are multi-tasking.
Here's some pics of ears I put straight on the grill, no husk. One you can see is a little more "caramelized" than the other :biggrin: It still tasted fine though. Corn is pretty forgiving, like onions.

But in the bottom two pics tou can see how much the husk can burn and the corn is still fine. It's a much safer method.


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Head Mistress
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I pull down the husks, pull out the silk...and sometimes soak in cheap beer overnight. Then, I rub with seasoned butter, press the husks back down and grill.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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Yeah, it's rough to do it that way if you are multi-tasking.
Here's some pics of ears I put straight on the grill, no husk. One you can see is a little more "caramelized" than the other :biggrin: It still tasted fine though. Corn is pretty forgiving, like onions.

But in the bottom two pics tou can see how much the husk can burn and the corn is still fine. It's a much safer method.
i want plate #2 please!!


Well-known member
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I have been pulling all that silk off the corn for nothing :bonk:. That's a great little tidbit of info. Thanks!

Pics do look great, chowhound. I'm partial to crab legs myself.


Ni pedo
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i soak in water,throw on grill, hey wait thats the same as Keltin does it... we cant cook the same way.. we are not allowed to agree..:yum:


New member
All of the above, but when you soak the corn toss a handful of sugar in the water with the corn. It makes sweet corn a little sweeter and it has a wonderful flavor.


Grill Master
welcome, steak.

i've heard of the sugar water thing before, but i'm loathe to add refined sugar to something that is naturally sweet. tart things, yes, like strawberries. but corn?

for the past few years, the corn we've bought has been fantastically sweet. even after a few days in the fridge! i think it's g.m. food, but if that's the outcome, then i'm all for it.

anywho, the next time we get crappy heirloom corn, i'll try the sugar.


🌹 Still trying to get it right.
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All of the above, but when you soak the corn toss a handful of sugar in the water with the corn. It makes sweet corn a little sweeter and it has a wonderful flavor.
i do that and it is great that way!!


New member
I talked too one of the corn farmers last year, saying how sweet his corn was this year. He said it was a new corn they just came out with and rattled off a bunch of letters and numbers for its name. The days of bodacious being the corn of choice around here are numbered.